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  • #104735

    Hi there. I noticed a weird change in my retropie Final burn alpha, namely, it not noticing my controller. I checked and noticed it was using a different emulator than it used to.

    I tried the other, but oddly, games that used to work with it, suddenly don’t now, despite previous retropie finalburns running them fine. So, I decided to try this new emulator PiFBA, and stuff was all compatible with it.

    I read I need to edit my controls with it, but am not sure how to. Can anyone help me with this? It’s the only emu that is giving me controller issues at the moment.


    The fba emulator needs a fba2x.cfg file placed in ~opt/retropie/emulators/pifba

    This file should be like this

    A_1=4 –> see these values from retroarch.cfg file or MicrosoftX-Box360pad.cfg file or the file where your controller is saved (button A)
    B_1=5 –> see these values from retroarch.cfg file or MicrosoftX-Box360pad.cfg file or the file where your controller is saved (button B)
    X_1=6 –> see these values from retroarch.cfg file or MicrosoftX-Box360pad.cfg file or the file where your controller is saved (button X)
    Y_1=7 –> see these values from retroarch.cfg file or MicrosoftX-Box360pad.cfg file or the file where your controller is saved (button Y)
    L_1=10 –> see these values from retroarch.cfg file or MicrosoftX-Box360pad.cfg file or the file where your controller is saved
    R_1=11 –> see these values from retroarch.cfg file or MicrosoftX-Box360pad.cfg file or the file where your controller is saved
    START_1=13 –> see these values from retroarch.cfg file or MicrosoftX-Box360pad.cfg file or the file where your controller is saved
    SELECT_1=12 –> see these values from retroarch.cfg file or MicrosoftX-Box360pad.cfg file or the file where your controller is saved
    #Joystick axis

    #player 2 button configuration
    #Joystick axis

    (Change the numbers according to your gamepad’s button presses)


    Now, does the second player thing need to match the joystick one, or is it just left as is? Because so far, I use the 11axis one for the other emu’s, and’s been fine using the simple controller setup config file I make calibrating it.


    I haven’t used a 2nd player configuration yet, so i have the same doubt as you do

    I think that if you have identical joypads, then you just change the numbers (in p2 config) according to your gamepad’s button presses.

    I dont know what is happening with different ones though..


    Thank you. So far, this works fine. I put it for player 2, too, so I’ll let you know how that goes.

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