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  • #6703

    Hey guys, I’m getting all my stuff together to make a super nintendo pi. I will of course be putting it in a super nintendo. I ordered a lot of things to get the project going. I got the shut down switch from mausberry circuits.
    I was wanting to know if someone could point me to a wiring diagram of the super nintendo power switch to the mausberry switch. I also ordered a SNES Controller to Adapter for USB from amazon. I will be taking it apart and want to solder the real snes ports to it, to make the real controllers work. I need a wiring diagram for that. Finally I want to use the rest button to exit the game and go back to emulation station. I need a wiring diagram showing from the snes reset switch to the gpio pins. Could you guys please help me out?? Thank you so much.


    come on guys! There are plenty of you in here that have done this.. If you could just help with one thing it would help me out or point me somewhere i can get more info. It would help alot PLEASE HELP
    thanks guys

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