Hi All,
I’ve just installed Linux retropie 3.18.11-v7+ and I have configured it store the roms on the my home server using NFS shares. I have mounted an NFS share directly onto ~/RetroPie/roms using /etc/fstab.
The problem I have is that the NFS shares don’t mount when the system boots. I guess its because it tries to mount before the network is ready?
If I quit my emulationstation front end and issue a “sudo mount -a” everything mounts fine and I can run emulationstation and play games etc.
I edited /usr/bin/emulationstation and added a “sudo mount -a” at the beginning. This does not help when the device first boots, the mounting still doesn’t happen. However, if I quit emulationstation and reload it everything mounts fine.
So I need some advice on how to delay the startup a little to allow time for the network to come up and everything to mount properly before emulationstation front end is launched.
any ideas or thoughts?