Homepage Forums RetroPie Project Everything else related to the RetroPie Project Need help setting up 2 USB SNES Controllers

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  • #83166

    Hey Everybody,

    I am new to the retropie and I was able to setup 1 usb snes controller but i am not sure what to do now for the second controller. I was able to use the retro_setup.sh to setup the first one but I do not know what to do now for the 2 controller.

    Any help would be great

    Thank You


    Just starting my own installation this evening and configuration I was going to try this later on


    Edit I got both of usb snes controllers working now
    Make sure you have one controller fully configured first!!
    See this post

    USB controller not working on Emulator

    Then connect via winscp or something and
    Modify the following file location is below

    Filename: Retroarch.cfg

    Scroll down to this section here

    <em># Keyboard input. Will recognize letters ("a" to "z") and the following special keys (where "kp_"
    # is for keypad keys):
    #   left, right, up, down, enter, kp_enter, tab, insert, del, end, home,
    #   rshift, shift, ctrl, alt, space, escape, add, subtract, kp_plus, kp_minus,
    #   f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7, f8, f9, f10, f11, f12,
    #   num0, num1, num2, num3, num4, num5, num6, num7, num8, num9, pageup, pagedown,
    #   keypad0, keypad1, keypad2, keypad3, keypad4, keypad5, keypad6, keypad7, keypad8, keypad9,
    #   period, capslock, numlock, backspace, multiply, divide, print_screen, scroll_lock,
    #   tilde, backquote, pause, quote, comma, minus, slash, semicolon, equals, leftbracket,
    #   backslash, rightbracket, kp_period, kp_equals, rctrl, ralt
    # Keyboard input, Joypad and Joyaxis will all obey the "nul" bind, which disables the bind completely, 
    # rather than relying on a default.</em>

    You should see the controller configuration for controller 1 already like so
    input_player1_a = x
    input_player1_b = z
    input_player1_y = a
    input_player1_x = s
    input_player1_start = enter
    input_player1_select = rshift
    input_player1_l = q
    input_player1_r = w
    input_player1_left = left
    input_player1_right = right
    input_player1_up = up
    input_player1_down = down

    Copy it all and replace _player1_ with _player2_ so it looks like this
    input_player2_a = x
    input_player2_b = z
    input_player2_y = a
    input_player2_x = s
    input_player2_start = enter
    input_player2_select = rshift
    input_player2_l = q
    input_player2_r = w
    input_player2_left = left
    input_player2_right = right
    input_player2_up = up
    input_player2_down = down

    save the file and reboot and enjoy that’s it.

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