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  • #85179

    Hello folks! This is a wonderful piece of software and I’m glad I found it.

    I have a question.

    Say I install all this (I did), update it (did that, too) and what have you, get everything running correctly (that I actually want to run) and decide that “Hey, I want to move everything over to a larger microsd card but I don’t want to scrape the info for allllll my games again.”

    How would I go about doing this? For a point of reference, let’s just say “allllll” those games are NES, SNES and GBA games. Is there a directory somewhere that has game box art and descriptions that I can copy and paste?


    You could use gparted to shrink the partition size slightly

    Then image the SD with:

    Write the image file back to a new card.

    The resize the filesystem using “raspi-config”


    Was confused for a minute. The program doesn’t explicitly say how to make an image file.

    Then some digging showed me it was the “read” option.

    Excellent. Marking as solved and keeping bookmarked.

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