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  • #93907

    Trying to get warcraft II running…
    which requires to mount d: cdrom
    i have tried a few variations..any help?

    mount d D:\ -t cdrom
    mount d C:\ -t cdrom
    mount d C:\cdrom -t cdrom


    I thought I had it running at one point. I’ll test it this evening once I have access to my pi and report back.

    In the mean time see if adding the line “cdpath=d” in war2.ini makes any difference.


    I GOT IT! alright so- steps to take:

    first locate your war2.ini and change the first line to look like this cdpath=d://

    Second, make sure all the files are in one folder in /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/pc You can name it whatever you like. I called mine “warcraft2”

    Next open up dosbox and type:

    mount d "/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/pc/warcraft2" -t cdrom

    then type C:

    then type warcraft2\WAR2.EXE


    cool that worked. I just thought that since my games folder was already mounted, i didn’t need the whole path…thanks

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