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Tagged: retropie, screensaver, video
- This topic has 57 replies, 14 voices, and was last updated 9 years, 7 months ago by
07/28/2014 at 14:34 #20787
i want to personalize emulationstation, i want to change the logo “emulationstation loading” on boot. And i will be disable “quit emulationstation” to menu “quit”.
It’s possible or not
thank you for your answer
07/29/2014 at 10:52 #21197Xboxclassic
GuestYes it is possible to do both.
Emulation bootscreen-
to insert picture of your choice you need to exit emulationstation and start Linux (startx at command prompt)
in Linux go to File explorer.
make a new folder for you picture.
insert your picture into this folder — It must be in either .JPG or .Png format.now log out of Linux.
at command prompt type
cd RetroPie-Setup
sudo ./retropie_setup.sh(if you get error about hdspace ignore and press y enter)
Go down to option 3 (enter)
Go down to option 313 (enter)
Go down to Your Splashscreen that you created (enter)message = Splashscreen set (enter)
goto cancel (arrow keys Enter)(or Escape)go down to 7 Perform Reboot (OK)(Enter)
as for quit emulationstation to quit
if you mean as in short to exit with single button press
either by key or joystick
then you`d have to edit
emulationstation menu configuration itself there are many tutorials on hotkey whichmay help.07/29/2014 at 16:24 #21282retropieGM63
GuestIt’s this image that i want change
don’t this
and the 2th point i want disable the function ‘quit emulationstation’ i want this disappear from the menu quit
07/29/2014 at 17:33 #21310InsecureSpike
Participanthi, is that for the 1st [RetroPie boot screen or the 2nd [EmulationStation]?
thought the OP was for the 2nd one07/29/2014 at 17:35 #21312InsecureSpike
Participantid suggest posting here….
07/29/2014 at 18:10 #21319retropieGM63
Guesti don’t understand, it’s possible or not
i want change the screen “emulationstation loading”
and i want to disable the function “quit emulationstation” to GUI menu
07/29/2014 at 19:13 #21351InsecureSpike
Participantask Aloshi the creator of emulation station, you can ask him here..
07/30/2014 at 08:25 #21572retropieGM63
i look this him
07/31/2014 at 17:19 #22266roquen
ParticipantThe splash screen is an SVG file thats compiled into emulationstation. The only way to change this is to modify the source and then compile it again.
Aloshi doesnt intend on making it easy to change the loading screen because they want to force their “branding”
08/02/2014 at 23:16 #23538nilsbyte
ParticipantHi folks, i wanted to give a statement over here, too.
I am the UI designer and collaborator of Aloshi on his project EmulationStation. As you can see we pushed ES very far, created a whole new UI, extended the theming system and gave it a logo that is the official branding.
Just like other applications have their logo, so do we. It will be displayed upon launch of the application. It’s not supposed to be replaced by something else. It’s also not possible to change the background color of the logo as it’s supposed to be on white for best contrast.
Of course ES is open source and you can alter the source code to place your own logo or remove it completely, but the official branch will always contain the loading screen with the ES logo.
@retropieGM63 i noticed your bad english, if you are from germany i may be able to describe it to you in this language. i am not sure if you got what i wrote numerous times now.
I hope you all understand. Thank you
08/04/2014 at 14:38 #24571roquen
ParticipantI think the goal of most people working with the Rpi, and linux user environments in general is to make a seamless and brandless experience. I don’t think its unreasonable to expect people to want to go brandless or to make their setup look like a custom system.
I don’t think its necessary to make it easy to change or anything, i’m just sayin’.
08/04/2014 at 14:52 #24580nilsbyte
GuestI will talk to Aloshi and ask him if it’s possible to add a command line switch to hide the loading screen completely. That would be okay for me. That way the customizable RetroPie splash screen would be the only visible branding.
08/05/2014 at 20:12 #25607Xboxclassic
As for changing the “ES” screen look on the Web for an SVG editor
save image and new web page will open right click save page as.
will automatically save as svg file.
Copy this file to your RPI as sudo.
If you have any good screeners please upload for all to try.PS
I Personally like the new look08/05/2014 at 20:27 #25616nilsbyte
As for changing the “ES” screen look on the Web for an SVG editor
save image and new web page will open right click save page as.
will automatically save as svg file.
Copy this file to your RPI as sudo.
If you have any good screeners please upload for all to try.PS
I Personally like the new look
[/quote]Thats just wrong. Don’t confuse people with this.
08/06/2014 at 00:15 #25735InsecureSpike
Participantpersonally, it should stay as it is as Aloshe’s put in a big heap of work to this project, and having the splash and accepting it is giving him the credit he deserves! and you too Nils! great work guys!
thanksedit: or, if it must be changed, here’s a thought, is there any way for the user to select any image, but somehow with the logo actually being automatically added or having the logo over-lay the custom image, not as large as the original maybe half the size, possibly center bottom area, so as the logo and text are always seen/used, but with a custom background, and still giving Aloshe and Nils the credit they deserve
just a thought08/06/2014 at 06:12 #25992Xboxclassic
Guestnilsbyte wrote
“Thats just wrong. Don’t confuse people with this.”
if you are talking about svg editor I am sorry to admit this but but it seems that it is you that is wrong.!
These editors are freely available for download anywhere on the web.
Have or are you trying to hide something ?I thought EmulationStation was produced under the GNU License.
which means the info on this subject should be made public.The only thing left to do is locate where this particular SVG is ?
If you really want to help how about placing a command where we can change it.(Like the splash-screen)in RetroPie setup.
This may be a better option for all out there.
Not once have I discredited Everyone’s work on this project including yours.It`s Publicly funded organized and run so please don’t try and privatize it.
Give the public what they want.!
Who knows there may be a GUI/Graphics designer out there
that even you admire their work.Love the work to date minus few minor issues.
08/06/2014 at 10:08 #26137nilsbyte
As for changing the “ES” screen look on the Web for an SVG editor
[/quote]I know, Inkscape for instance
save image and new web page will open right click save page as.
will automatically save as svg file.
[/quote]Thats the part that is not understandable. You cant simply save an image as SVG. SVG = Scalable vector graphics. This means your art is build from vectors. If you save pixel based stuff into an SVG file it totally fails it’s purpose. Your instructions are very unclear.
Copy this file to your RPI as sudo.
If you have any good screeners please upload for all to try.
[/quote]Assuming you want to compile ES from source code, it would work to copy the SVG to your pi. You have to place the SVG in the same folder where the original logo SVG is placed (/data/logo/ES_logo.svg). You will have to overwrite the file or change the path in the source code to point to your SVG. After that you can compile ES with your custom SVG.
Replacing the logo after compiling ES is and will not be possible. Maybe we will add a command line switch to turn off the loading screen completely.
I am not trying to privatize anything, you can fetch the source code and change it as you like. Of course you have to maintain your branch by yourself from that point on. As InsecureSpike wrote, we want to keep the logo because it’s the branding and it credits our work.
PS: Next time, be more accurate with your instructions, that way everyone benefits from it.
And thanks again for the compliment. All of your feedback is appreciated! I pointed out two solutions for your question. I hope it’s in your mind.
08/06/2014 at 10:16 #26157nilsbyte
Participant[quote]or, if it must be changed, here’s a thought, is there any way for the user to select any image, but somehow with the logo actually being automatically added or having the logo over-lay the custom image, not as large as the original maybe half the size, possibly center bottom area, so as the logo and text are always seen/used, but with a custom background, and still giving Aloshe and Nils the credit they deserve
just a thought[/quote]from a graphical point of view that would be tricky to still look good with custom splash screens because you cant really adjust it in a way that suits all possibilities. I will give this suggestion a second thought and some tests. Maybe I can come up with a solution.
Thanks for your feedback!
08/06/2014 at 13:11 #26273Xboxclassic
Guestnilsbyte wrote
“save image and new web page will open right click save page as.
will automatically save as svg file.”
“Thats the part that is not understandable. You cant simply save an image as SVG. SVG = Scalable vector graphics. This means your art is build from vectors. If you save pixel based stuff into an SVG file it totally fails it’s purpose. Your instructions are very unclear.”the program was
svg-edit-2.7 (windows)once you try it you will find you export pics will open a web page
on this page that has just opened
you right click and save as ES_logo.svgmake sense!
have fun.PS thanks for the location of ES_logo.svg
PSS I do like the new logo and feel it should stay.
08/06/2014 at 13:51 #26313nilsbyte
ParticipantThanks for the instructions. I didn’t know that WEB BASED SVG EDITOR and yes, it opens a new page in your browser if you select “SAVE IMAGE” from the menu. then you can save the SVG to disk. Now I understand.
If it should stay, why do you want to replace it? :-) Just sayin’
I will talk to Aloshi if he can add the switch to hide the splash screen. I will post here if i have an answer.08/06/2014 at 14:44 #26352Xboxclassic
Guestnilsbyte wrote
“If it should stay, why do you want to replace it? :-) Just sayin’ ”
It was retropieGM63 that requested this change not I.
So now it seems that this request has been fulfilled.
The answers to retropieGM63 is quite simply yes it can all be changed.
As for disable “quit emulationstation” to menu “quit”.
that is a W.I.P module.
I think an .Sh linked to hotkey should be sufficient.
then on top of that the actual pop menu needs to be hidden/removed.Keep up the great work guys.
with emulationstation the sales of the RPI`s have increased dramatically.08/06/2014 at 21:56 #26696trimmtrabb
Participant@nilsbyte You guys have done an amazing job on the new ES, really impressive! Thankyou!
08/07/2014 at 17:47 #27571roquen
ParticipantHow difficult would it be to build a totally different program (we can call it SplashSVG-rpi) that demonstrates a splash screen using SVG files for the total duration of the boot process.
Maybe even with an animation. This would remove the multiple splash screens from retropie and then emulationstation, The default SVG could be a raspberry logo in the center, with branding across the bottom like a vinyl sticker logo on a racecar (ill try to find an example)
emulationstation retropie raspbian lolcats microsoft
aside from all this talk about what could be, huge kudos to you for what there is now. I think its very well rounded and the theme is beautiful.
08/15/2014 at 03:06 #33750whoismezero
ParticipantYou could use omxplayer to play a video instead of the retropie splash screen and keep it playing above emulationstation while it’s splash screen is displayed. You just have to make sure the video is long enough that when it stops playing, emulationstation is done loading (approx. 45 seconds).
Here’s how to do it:
First copy the video you’d like to use to your home directory ( /home/pi )
Then install omxplayer
sudo apt-get install omxplayer
Then modify the splash screen script to play your video instead of displaying the retropie splash screen image
sudo nano /etc/init.d/asplashscreen
comment out (or delete) these lines:
line=$(head -n 1 /etc/splashscreen.list) isMovie=$(echo $line | grep -o "*.mpg") if [ -z "$isMovie" ]; then /usr/bin/fbi -T 2 -once -t 30 -noverbose -a -l /etc/splashscreen.list & else mplayer $line & fi
and above them (under the first do_start () { ) add this line:
omxplayer -o hdmi --layer 10000 /home/pi/splash_screen_video.mp4 &
Save with Ctrl+X then enter
And then reboot with sudo reboot
Once the Pi turns back on it will start playing your video, and if your video is long enough it will go straight into the carousel view once the video ends.08/25/2014 at 21:22 #44364littlefriend420
GuestWhy not offer a variety of splash screens for the user to choose from? You can stick with your branding and allow for at least the illusion of customization.
08/25/2014 at 22:49 #44409nilsbyte
ParticipantRetroPie itself offers a variety of splash screens and you even can use your own. This should be sufficient for everyone. I won’t discuss this further, sorry. Head over to the github page of emulationstation to file a request.
10/24/2014 at 03:15 #81986wrichards
Participant[quote=33750]You could use omxplayer to play a video instead of the retropie splash screen and keep it playing above emulationstation while it’s splash screen is displayed. You just have to make sure the video is long enough that when it stops playing, emulationstation is done loading (approx. 45 seconds).
Here’s how to do it:
First copy the video you’d like to use to your home directory ( /home/pi )
Then install omxplayersudo apt-get install omxplayer
Then modify the splash screen script to play your video instead of displaying the retropie splash screen imagesudo nano /etc/init.d/asplashscreen
comment out (or delete) these lines:line=$(head -n 1 /etc/splashscreen.list) isMovie=$(echo $line | grep -o "*.mpg") if [ -z "$isMovie" ]; then /usr/bin/fbi -T 2 -once -t 30 -noverbose -a -l /etc/splashscreen.list & else mplayer $line & fi
and above them (under the first do_start () { ) add this line:
omxplayer -o hdmi --layer 10000 /home/pi/splash_screen_video.mp4 &
Save with Ctrl+X then enter And then reboot with sudo reboot Once the Pi turns back on it will start playing your video, and if your video is long enough it will go straight into the carousel view once the video ends.
[/quote]this does not work like I thought, its the problem I have now, the emulation station screen loads OVER the video, I can still hear my video playing behind it…. :( not to discredit anyone, but I would be more than happy to put emulation station as a logo on the video. but I thought the video would just over write the ES splash, in 2.3 it doens seem to do that, unless I really missed something….
10/24/2014 at 03:22 #81987whoismezero
Participant[quote=81986]this does not work like I thought, its the problem I have now, the emulation station screen loads OVER the video, I can still hear my video playing behind it….
not to discredit anyone, but I would be more than happy to put emulation station as a logo on the video. but I thought the video would just over write the ES splash, in 2.3 it doens seem to do that, unless I really missed something….
[/quote]Did you make sure to put add the
--layer 10000
in theomxplayer -o hdmi --layer 10000 /home/pi/splash_screen_video.mp4
command? If so, try making the layer number higher and see if that works, maybe try 50000.10/26/2014 at 02:03 #82029whoismezero
ParticipantI just tested it with a fresh installation and the
--layer 10000
command made the video play over the top of EmulationStation.10/29/2014 at 01:58 #82149davidesm
ParticipantFollowed these precisely (3 times now) and am still getting no video. No splash screen at all.
On load, reading the lines running there is a line where it reads:
/etc/init.d/asplashscreen 14: /etc/init.d/asplashscreen omx: not foundHowever omx is definitely installed, trying apt get again just says I have the latest version.
Any suggestions?
10/29/2014 at 02:53 #82151whoismezero
Participant[quote=82149]Followed these precisely (3 times now) and am still getting no video. No splash screen at all.
On load, reading the lines running there is a line where it reads: /etc/init.d/asplashscreen 14: /etc/init.d/asplashscreen omx: not found
However omx is definitely installed, trying apt get again just says I have the latest version.
Any suggestions?
[/quote]Just to try to clarify, does it say “omx: not found” or does it say “omxplayer: not found”?
If it does say “omx: not found” make sure there isn’t a space between omx and player in your asplashcreen script.
10/29/2014 at 03:26 #82152davidesm
ParticipantYeah, I went back and caught that, but am running into a new issue.
Now it says “asplashscreen: no such file or directory”
Here is my current asplashscreen text:
#! /bin/sh
# Provides: asplashscreen
# Required-Start:
# Required-Stop:
# Default-Start: S
# Default-Stop:
# Short-Description: Show custom splashscreen
# Description: Show custom splashscreen
### END INIT INFOdo_start () {
omxplayer -o hdmi –layer 10000 /home/pi/splash_screen_video.mp4 &
exit 0
}case “$1″ in
echo “Error: argument ‘$1’ not supported” >&2
exit 3
# No-op
exit 0
echo “Usage: asplashscreen [start|stop]” >&2
exit 3
And my video file is splash_screen_video.mp4 located in /home/pi/
10/29/2014 at 08:38 #82162nilsbyte
ParticipantGuys, this is somewhat pointless. The time ES needs to load varies depending on the number of systems and ROMs present in your folders. If you overlay a video with omxplayer, you would have to stop the time ES needs to load completely for your individual installation. And then it’s only valid until you add more ROMS. The video would always play either longer than ES needs to get to the carousel or shorter.
EmulationStation is branded, it will stay like this, but you can always take the source, replace the svg for the logo and compile it. Easiest way.
10/30/2014 at 01:19 #82189whoismezero
Participant[quote=82162]Guys, this is somewhat pointless. The time ES needs to load varies depending on the number of systems and ROMs present in your folders. If you overlay a video with omxplayer, you would have to stop the time ES needs to load completely for your individual installation. And then it’s only valid until you add more ROMS. The video would always play either longer than ES needs to get to the carousel or shorter.
EmulationStation is branded, it will stay like this, but you can always take the source, replace the svg for the logo and compile it. Easiest way.
[/quote]It’s not pointless.
I’m not trying to cover up the EmulationStation logo, I am trying to cover up the RaspberryPi boot up messages. I time my video to end during the EmulationStation loading screen so that I can make sure that the branding is visible during boot up, and I also end my video with the EmulaitonStation logo so that there is, not only, a seamless transition between my video and the program but also so that I can ensure that the logo will be visible no matter how long it takes to boot up.
Replacing the svg is not the easiest way.
For somebody who has never worked with any type of programming before and is using this arcade machine project as an introduction to Linux, modifying source code and compiling would be a very daunting and difficult task.Besides that, it actually isn’t as easy as replacing the svg and compiling. After you replace the svg, you have to run a script (after you’ve changed it’s permissions) that creates a file based from the svg, and then you have to analyse and modify that file before you compile otherwise it will fail. Also, if you are compiling on a RaspberryPi, compiling the source code takes multiple hours. This is not ideal for a beginner.
Making a simple modification to a splashscreen script and transferring a video file is much, much easier.
10/30/2014 at 01:30 #82190whoismezero
Participant[quote=82152]Yeah, I went back and caught that, but am running into a new issue.
Now it says “asplashscreen: no such file or directory”[/quote]Try running just the
omxplayer -o hdmi –layer 10000 /home/pi/splash_screen_video.mp4
command from either the console/terminal or through SSH.This will hopefully give a more specific error message.
I think it is likely that there is a small difference between the location you are pointing to in the script and the actual filename and location. (maybe an extra “.” or space that you missed) -
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