Homepage Forums RetroPie Project Controller Configuration in RetroPie MEGADRIVE/MasterSystem pads issue

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  • #100224

    Hello! :)
    I’m trying to use:

    a) One original 3 button MegaDrive pad
    b) One original 2 button MasterSystem pad
    c) One USB Megadrive 6 button pad

    But on all this 3 case Retropie doesn’t recognize UP and LEFT, even if I’m performing “setup” both going trough the guided mode or trough the command line (sudo ./retropie_setup.sh).
    To connect them to RaspberryPi I’m using an adapter that works perfectly under GNU/Linux emulators (Gens) on other machines under Ubuntu 12.04 (laptop or desktop).

    I hope to find a solution :(
    Thanx in advance for the help :)

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