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  • #116023


    recently upgraded from version 2 to 3.4 on a RPi2.
    Noobs dual boot, OpenElec and Jessie.

    Pulled down 3.4 about a week ago and set it up with an xbox controller and hard wired connection.
    I have a USB stick for some roms, mame, atari 2600, SNES.
    The whole setup is working fine, except mame.

    When I first started with 3.4 I was using mame4all as the emulator, after switching paths to the USB stick (which worked fine in v2 Retropie) I knew I had 0.37b5 roms but nothing would load in mame4all.
    I rebuilt a 0.37b5 romset and put it in the /roms/mame-mame4all folder on the USB, ES saw the roms, again nothing would load. I changed the default emulator to lr-imame4all and the roms started working to an extent, at least in line with the compatibility list. I do however get the odd black screen, it seems the rom loads but crashes back to ES selection window.

    My question though, why will vanilla mame4all not load any roms yet the same rom works fine in lr-imame4all? In my 2.4 build I believe mame4all was my default, I didn’t have any retroarch options over the top of it, my settings were only in the TAB key (default MAME). To me the fact lr-imame4all works means that I have the correct romset.

    Thank you for any help.

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