Homepage Forums RetroPie Project Everything else related to the RetroPie Project Making an off button with a momentary switch

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  • #108119

    Hello all.

    I want to put my raspberry pi 2 in an old nes I found. I have been playing around with the pi in the past, but i was not satisfied with the result. I have desided to try again and this time do alot more then just monkey around with it.

    Thats why i want to follow a guide I found on raspberry pi geek: http://www.raspberry-pi-geek.com/Archive/2013/01/Adding-an-On-Off-switch-to-your-Raspberry-Pi

    The reset button should not be a problem, but i dont know enough about electronics to know if the guide on the momentary switch also works on the raspberry pi 2.

    For all i know the resistor is wrong or there is some hidden trap ind the code that would make the pi die on me.

    I have bought the materiales and have it assemblet, but i would like to get some confimation before i do the rest.

    Hope to hear from some og you :)


    The resistor value actually doesn’t matter that much for the shutdown circuit. Just about any resistor will work. I think I used 220 Ohm, but I just picked it out of a bag of random resistors. I’m using just a single resistor between the GPIO pin and ground 3.3v. Both the reset button and this simple shutdown circuit do work on the PI2, I’m using both.


    Nice to know. I thought that the resistor had to be a specific value to work.

    Ill try this as soon as posible :)

    One thing Im still worried about is the code described on the later pages. Is it plug and play or do i have to rewrite parts og it?

    My knowledge on code is very basic and i usually just copy and paste what i need. I have only tried to tweek the layout in the different emulators.


    My earlier post was slightly wrong, the resistor I’m using is between the GPIO pin and 3.3v. I just double checked.

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