Homepage Forums RetroPie Project Controller Configuration in RetroPie Logitech F710 configuration


  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Anonymous.
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    I would like to use RetroPie on Raspberry Pi 2 with my Logitech Wireless gamepad F710. RetroPie recognized the pad correctly “Logitech Gamepad F710” but when I’m presented with configuration options, it skips RT button.

    The moment configurator asks me to press LT and I do so, it recognizes my press as “AXIS 2+” and skips RT (RT remans not defined) then jumps to left thumb. I can’t seem to go back and change it somehow.

    Do I have to manually edit this or something?

    By the way this gamepad has a switch and there are two modes. One labelled “D” and the other “X”. I’m using it on X mode. When I switch it to D my gamepad gets recognized as “Logitech Logitech Cordless Rumblepad 2” (yes 2 times Logitech).

    So which mode is suggested to use with RetroPie and how can I solve this problem?


    Leave it on X. When configuring skip the two top triggers by holding down a button and the once you finish configuring go back up with the dpad and reconfigure the two you skipped.

    See this video if you’re still having troubles.


    I activated XBOX module in the retropie setup menu and it works now. My gamepad is recognized as XBOX gamepad.

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