• This topic has 3 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by canc.
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  • #117540

    Hi guys,

    Got RetroPie set up – excellent. I don’t have any issues with it at the moment but I have a problem with Kodi and I’m hoping someone can point me in the right direction. I have:

    Pi Model: 2 B etc
    RetroPie Version Used: 3.5
    Built From: SD Image
    USB Devices connected:
    Controller used: Xbox 360 and Rii
    Error messages received: NA
    Guide used: Issue with youtube Kodi addon and also this post on the kodi forum

    The youtube addon in Kodi is broken, and there’s a way to fix it as explained in the reddit link/”guide” above. I’ve followed the “guide” and got my own set of Youtube API keys, but now I need to “Locate the file – login_client.py which should be located under: <Kodi_Addons_Directory>/plugin.video.youtube/resources/lib​/youtube/client”.

    I’m not at all linux savvy so I have no idea where to find this file so that I can make a copy of it and edit it in order to get the youtube addon working again.

    Thanks in advance for any ideas.



    The main kodi directory is /home/pi/.kodi/ and I believe you may find the plugins directory under userdata.

    Directories that start with a . are hidden by default, by the way but you’ll still be able to change directories into it.

    cd /home/pi/.kodi/


    Try looking in /home/pi/.kodi

    …At least I think that’s where the kodi folder is. I’m not actually anywhere near my pi, though so I can’t double check.

    nvm, I was beat to the punch


    Thanks guys! All fixed and I can watch my youtube channels again too!

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