Homepage Forums RetroPie Project Everything else related to the RetroPie Project Joystick and keyboard configurations disappeared

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  • #89775

    To start off – I’m definitely a noob with the pi so please bear with me.

    After a few tries, I finally got RetroPie working and was able to configure my joystick (Sabrent 12 button: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00AEWTSWU/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1). I used retropie_setup.sh to configure the joystick.

    I even got to the point of playing Super Mario World but wasn’t able to save my progress (thinking the select button wasn’t working). I then tried Super Metroid and was able to confirm select worked and was able to save progress.

    Was feeling really good until I rebooted. Once I rebooted and emulationstation loaded the joystick was no longer configured except for the start button and a page down button (or maybe “end” button – all I know is it moves me to the bottom of a list which allows me to cancel out of emulationsttion). And the keyboard wasn’t configured at all. I’ve tried retropie_setup.sh again to no avail.

    Any thoughts? I’d hate to start all over. Thanks!

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