Homepage Forums RetroPie Project Everything else related to the RetroPie Project Is MAME just dodgy or is it my setup?

  • This topic has 3 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by Roo.
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    The Subject Says It All, but since I configured the MAME yesterday, I’ve tried to play Puckman, GORF, 1943, and various forms of Dig Dug with RetroLink SNES controllers.

    Is MAME on the Pi just glitchy?

    1. The audio on Dig Dug was particularly scratchy and intermittent. Donkey Kong Jr. was missing a LOT of audio.
    2. The directional controls just have a mind of their own. These are brand new controllers and are definitely four-way. Left is sometimes left and sometimes up. It seems totally random.

    I have tried various overclocking settings with seemingly no change in results. (I do have heatsinks installed.) This is with 2.3, btw. Is MAME a “yeah, it can do it, but…..” or am I missing something due to my inexperience?



    Are you using the 0.37b5 romset?

    Also, have you tried using the keyboard as a controller to check that is responding ok to that?

    Make sure you are using at least RetroPie 2.3 as that makes mame4all the default emulator, which is pretty good.

    I’ve put a controller video together here:


    Yes, they’re all from the 0.37b5 romset. (I also checked out the video yesterday and you replied to my comment.) It’s the version 2.3 RetroPie install.

    I haven’t tried playing with the keyboard yet. Will do that and report back.



    As far as DKongJr goes, it sounds (no pun intended) like you’re missing the sample set.


    place them in


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