Homepage Forums RetroPie Project Everything else related to the RetroPie Project Immediately Launch into EmultationStation MAME menu?

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  • #109569

    In the past, I asked whether its possible to immediately launch into an emulator menu (for example, the MAME menu contents) once EmulationStation boots. I’m only using Retropie for a single emulator (ADVMAME), so it would be nice to have users start in the MAME menu.

    I didn’t receive any responses — but here’s a follow on question:

    When EmulationStation boots, it starts off in the Emulationstation main menu, and MAME is highlighted since its the only emulator I’m using – so we’re really only one key press away (i.e., “select”) from entering the menu contents. It’s been several years since I’ve toyed with Linux, but it seems this could be easily accomplished by adding a single keystroke (mimicking the key I mapped to “select”) to an existing script (the script that launches emulation station).

    If this is possible, can one of you walk me through this? Would I need to create a new script, or could I simply append a command to an existing script? Or am I missing the boat entirely?



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