Homepage Forums RetroPie Project GPIO Adapter, ControlBlock etc. I want to use FAMICOM style 2p controller

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    I want to use FAMICOM controller.
    I already use 1p controller.

    but, I cannot use 2p controller.
    Does this driver not support FAMICOM style 2p controller?

    When I try to use it, 4 buttons are always turn on.

    I think that it causes the FAMICOM style controller have only 2 buttons (A, B, not have start, select).

    Please, help!


    Is a self-less.

    famicom controller was different color scheme of 1P and 2P in line.
    I did not know it. (Because I thought it’s the same color scheme, it did not work)

    Pin	|FC1P	FC2P	NES
    VCC	|White 	Blue  	White
    CLK	|Yellow	White 	Red
    P/S	|Orange	Yellow	Orange
    OUT	|Red   	Orange	Yellow
    GND	|Brown 	Red   	Brown
    mic	|/     	Brown 	/
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