I have the Retro Pi2 and I just got an I-Pac2, joystick, buttons, and a U-Trak trackball and ran into the following issue.
1. How do I increase the speed of the trackball in Retro Pi? Currently it is very slow. I used xset m 20 20, but it did nothing (even after rebooting).
2. I can edit the configuration file in /opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/configs for UltimrcIPAC2UltimarcIPAC2.cfg, but it only contains the following 2 lines:
input_device = "Ultimarc IPAC 2 Ultimarc IPAC 2"
input_driver = "udev"
I tried copying settings from some other config files, but it seems to lock up the system. Do I need to add something in here?
3. Is there a way to make some games use the joystick and others use the trackball?