Homepage Forums RetroPie Project Everything else related to the RetroPie Project How to autoboot to EmulationStation

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    When I was trying to figure out how to add new emulators to the list in EmulationStation I decided to hit atl+F4 and in the menu I changed a setting to boot to desktop (sorry I don’t remember the full proper wording that the system used). Now I want the system to boot back to EmulationStation on boot. How do I get it to do so?


    Ok… so it turns out that I need to get to the terminal screen and run raspi-config… problem is I cant figure out how to get there from the desktop. In other OS that I have used on here if I do the shutdown process it brings me to the terminal, but all it does on this OS is actually shuts down.


    You could open a terminal session in the GUI?

    or try Ctrl-Alt-F1

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