Homepage Forums RetroPie Project Controller Configuration in RetroPie How do I re-bind the Config key (Tab) for AdvanceMAME? [RetroPie 3.0]

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  • This topic has 3 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Anonymous.
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    I did something really dumb while trying to re-bind my MAME emulator’s config key. It used to be Tab, and while I was trying to re-bind it to one of my gamepad buttons I un-bound the key, and now I have no way of accessing the config settings.

    I found [url=http://wiki.mamedev.org/index.php/FAQ:Controls]this section of the mamedev wiki[/url], which suggests editing the default.cfg file. But I tried to access that file and it appears to be blank when I try to edit it via Putty using:

    nano default.cfg


    default.cfg also isn’t in the mame-advmame directory. apparently its location changed with Retropie 3.0:


    I must be doing something wrong. Out of all of the keys to accidentally un-bind, I do it to the most important one! How do I fix my very dumb mistake? And where do I even find the default.cfg file that I’m supposed to edit/delete? I’m even willing to completely re-install AdvanceMAME to reset my bindings.

    Pi Model: Raspberry Pi 2 Model B
    RetroPie Version Used: 3.0


    I don’t know of any config files for mame. You can try reinstalling the binary for it from the setup script: here’s a video if there is any confusion:


    That was actually one of the first things that I tried. But it didn’t reinstall the AdvanceMame emulator- it seems to have just updated it. I’m still having the config bindkey issue. And since RetroPie 3.0 is so new, there aren’t any resources online that point to a solution, yet! I found a mame.cfg file in opt/retropie/emulators/, but it doesn’t contain any keybindings for the MAME config menu that’d normally be accessed using the Tab key.


    Use Putty with WINSCP and go to /opt/retropie/configs/mame-mame4all/cfg/default.cfg.
    Delete default.cfg and re-install Mame4all from binary setup.
    Worked for me! Tab should work again.

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