Homepage Forums RetroPie Project New to RetroPie? Start Here! Help with getting GBA Emulator on Retropie


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    Hi, so I am very new to all this raspberry pi stuff, and I recently bought a Raspberry Pi A+ and gave it an SD card with a burnt RetroPie image. Everything worked fine, and I was able to get roms on it via USB. However, I tried playing my GBA roms on RetroPie, but it doesn’t let me. Any GBA rom I try to play, it just takes me back to the GBA menu for picking which game to choose and doesn’t error or anything like that. It just takes me back. So I did some research online and it appears I have to connect my Raspberry Pi onto the internet, however, I don’t have a USB wifi dongle, or a USB to ethernet adapter, so I can’t download any of those emulators onto my Pi. I have ordered a USB to Ethernet adapter but that isn’t coming any time soon so is it possible to just get the GBA emulator onto the USB and upload it onto the RetroPie just like the roms? Please help, i’m trying to build a Pockett Pigrrl by Adafruit and I would just like to finish the project.


    I believe what you’re missing is the GBA bios file.

    Use your Google-fu to find the gba_bios.bin file and drop it in your BIOS folder found at /home/pi/RetroPie/bios

    You should be good to go from there.

    Hope this helps!

    PS: I’m pretty sure you don’t need to connect to the internet to play GBA games



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