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- This topic has 55 replies, 12 voices, and was last updated 8 years, 11 months ago by
12/04/2015 at 03:34 #111162
ParticipantWell, I just started my new Gameboy project. I have everything ready except my Pi Zero. I should be getting it in the next few days but here is the progress so far. I got the volume control, headphone jack, speaker and power switch working properly and all off the buttons tested out great. For audio out of the Zero I am going to use a usb sound card with a 1/8″ jack out. I hope it works… I will update this post after I find out.
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12/06/2015 at 21:15 #111339srfrboybob
ParticipantHere is some update pics. I have everything working with a Pi 2. I am still waiting for my Pi zero to be delivered but I am really happy with the result so far
[attachment file=”111340″]
[attachment file=”111341″]
12/07/2015 at 22:17 #111431vwbuggsy
ParticipantThis looks AWESOME! Please keep updating with build details. This is my next project. I started wanting to do this as soon as I saw the Zero and thought “hmm, I bet that would fit very cleanly into a gameboy case” :-)
12/08/2015 at 00:24 #111437srfrboybob
ParticipantThank you! I will keep posting when I have new up dates. I did manage to get the stock battery led to fit by sanding it flat and laying it sideways (a little case modding too). The green light you see is from the powerboost for charging he battery (turns red when almost dead, green when battery is fully charged on with power charger connected and yellow when battery is charging). I also have a pigrrl pocket from adafruit and the img of retropie worked perfectly. No setup really except a few minor adjustments.
12/08/2015 at 00:26 #111440srfrboybob
ParticipantOh I also had to change the trim around the rear buttons. When I would set the game Pi down the buttons would activate. I used part of the battery cover from the second gameboy I parted.
12/17/2015 at 09:22 #111970srfrboybob
ParticipantWell… Here it is! GamePiZero and with AUDIO! A lot of work went into the image file (pocket Pigrrl image was not updated enough so I had to start from the beginning). The USB audio worked too! Did you know if there is not a USB connected to the Pi zero it will flash the green led twice and do nothing?! Well I know that now and that’s the big tip of the day! If people request it I will post the image (no roms, just a clean image with pitft setup, usb audio and retrogame.c) and here is the first GameBoyPiZero I know of and I have audio! Check back for a video link soon.
[attachment file=”111971″]
[attachment file=”111972″]
[attachment file=”111974″]
12/17/2015 at 13:27 #111981Anonymous
Inactivethat is awesome! great work there!
12/17/2015 at 14:41 #111985InsecureSpike
Participantthis looks awesome!
would this fit in a gameboy color?12/17/2015 at 15:09 #111987rdhanded2
ParticipantAwesome work!
12/17/2015 at 15:56 #111989srfrboybob
ParticipantIt would be tight but there are creative ways to make it fit I’m sure. The biggest issue would probably be finding the right size screen. I used a 3.2 pitft from adafruit (image attached below). I cut off both of the gpio mounts, shaved of the mounting holes and had to very carefully file down the sides a 1/16″ or so. It fits exactly in the dmg-01. Of course I had to adjust the overscale setting to keep the original look. The thickness of the screen with a board attached might be an issue too. I was also trying to use the original holes as much as possible. This limited my placement… Hmm different style battery and I could have moved the Pi to where the game slot is.
12/18/2015 at 10:42 #112035InsecureSpike
Participantthanks for the reply, ok so I’ll rule out gameboy color, thank you
12/19/2015 at 04:23 #112091herbfargus
MemberHow did you get emulationstation to display on your screen? I can get mine up and running but emulationstation wont show up on the screen. I would be interested in your image if that’s possible.
12/19/2015 at 05:49 #112092srfrboybob
ParticipantIt will be a bit before I get an image up but I can tell you how I got it working.
First I did a fresh install of 3.2.1 retropie, and expanded the memory.
After that I followed Phil’s retropie pitft guide ( https://learn.adafruit.com/running-opengl-based-games-and-emulators-on-adafruit-pitft-displays/pitft-setup ). At the first step the code copy/paste did not work quite right (it would auto abort the bootloader install so just type in sudo apt-get install raspberrypi-bootloader and then the sudo apt-get Adafruit-pitft-helper if it aborts). So break these commands down to single command entry if need be
next I still installed the fpcp as the original guide states but the file location will default to another location (see the web link below). There are a few different issues that prevent this from working because of software file location changes but I found a forum post from Phil that solved my other issues ( https://forums.adafruit.com/viewtopic.php?f=50&t=82865&p=421169&hilit=pitft+get_mode&sid=1b8c46db27ae88d31b319c69c57a36b9#p421169 )
Read both of these pages before you attempt the install. I fought this install for 5 or so hours until I found this forum post. Please let me know if you run into another problem with it. best of luck
Fyi-I got this 3.2.1 image to run on a pi 2, pi A+ and a Pi Zero.
12/19/2015 at 07:17 #112094herbfargus
MemberWish I had found that forum post 3 hours ago :P but thats basically what I came up with as well in the end. a few things I did differently though. I’ll lay out my steps as my hardware is slightly different too (its basically exactly the same process though)
My hardware is Odroid-W
With the docking board with a 2.2″ screen
Install RetroPie (in my case 3.2.1 for the rpi 1)
sudo raspi-config
expand filesystem disable overscan force audio to 3.5mm advanced options >> enable Device Tree advanced options >> enable SPI >> load SPI kernel module by default sudo reboot
(I may have also needed this but I cant remember)
Console at boot: Add kernel argument to the end file
– make sure it is all on the same line or it will break the boot sequence and require a reimage)fbcon=map:10
Adafruit Helpers
cd curl -SLs https://apt.adafruit.com/add-pin | sudo bash sudo apt-get install raspberrypi-bootloader y sudo apt-get -y install adafruit-pitft-helper sudo adafruit-pitft-helper -t 22 console on display? no gpio 23 as on off button?
sudo apt-get install cmake git clone https://github.com/tasanakorn/rpi-fbcp cd rpi-fbcp/ mkdir build cd build/ cmake .. make sudo mkdir /usr/local/bin sudo install fbcp /usr/local/bin/fbcp
Instead of using the asplashscreen fix I added the boot function for fbcp to
on its own on the second line before emulationstation is called.
/usr/local/bin/fbcp &
sudo nano /boot/config.txt hdmi_force_hotplug=1 hdmi_cvt=320 240 60 1 0 0 0 hdmi_group=2 hdmi_mode=87 dtoverlay=pitft22,rotate=90,speed=80000000,fps=60
I also ignored the runcommand fix as it worked better without it.
I found that putty doesn’t work when fbcp is running so I just exit to the terminal and type
killall fbcp
and then to restart emulationstation I created a bash script to call fbcp before emulationstation
sudo nano /home/pi/emulationstation.sh
#!/bin/bash /usr/bin/local/fbcp & emulationstation
sudo chmod +x emulationstation.sh
then to run it just type
It’s still a bit rudimentary and definitely has room for improvement (I’m also trying to figure out a way to get rid of the annoying blinking cursor from the terminal as it keeps showing up on top of my games) but it is working, so I am happy.
I would still be interested in checking out your image though to compare and see what methods work best for optimisation.
12/19/2015 at 19:57 #112122srfrboybob
ParticipantI’m working on getting an image to post up but I may have to start a fresh one to post. The image is 32 gig due to expanding my micro sd. Also it has all of my roms and other items I cannot share. Please share if you have any ideas on how to create an image in its smallest form with out the additional memory and roms/bios. It is much easier to post a file that is 4 gigs instead of 32.
12/19/2015 at 20:15 #112123herbfargus
Memberyeah the simplest may be a fresh image, there is also a way to unexpand the card as well… I haven’t done it yet myself but I know its possible.
12/22/2015 at 22:21 #112311srfrboybob
ParticipantHere is a quick video tour of my GamePi Zero. I show game play and the inside too. http://youtu.be/x4_cERnSKVw
12/23/2015 at 02:03 #112331srfrboybob
ParticipantI was afraid of that oh well. I’ll have to create a new image just to upload. It probably won’t be until after the new year. I didn’t have any problems with putty but like I stated before (and in the video link you can hear) I have audio issues.
12/26/2015 at 22:23 #112545ivanretrobit
Participanthave you managed to solve the audio issues? im having the same problem even with a usb sound adapter. i have the pi at full blast with a wheel potentiometer to minimise the static and volume is controlled through the buttons :/ i would like to get rid of it completely is anyone can help me out…
12/26/2015 at 23:28 #112547srfrboybob
ParticipantWell I have two different sound issues. I have a slight buzzing noise and a different issue with some graphic intense games. To cut the buzzing noises I had to check all my soldier connections. I also had to connect a ground to the audio amplifier from the power in side to the headphone jack ground. Try with a test wire carefully. Just touch the test wire to the amplifier ground or power source ground to the potentiometer and or the headphone jack. Do not ground out these wires! You can also try heavier gauge wires as well. This insignificantly decreased the audio buzz noise. I also went in to
And reduced the audio to about 50% (where the meter showed green and no white). Remember to alsosudo alsactl store
Andsudo reboot
I truly believe it is a amplifier ground leak through the soldiers.12/27/2015 at 00:44 #112549ivanretrobit
Participantim not sure if it is a ground issue since i have a usb sound card in there, and the wires coming from the amp are soldered on to a 3.5 male jack connector, when i plug the 3.5 jack to my phone for testing it sounds perfectly fine it only gives me static once i plug it into the usb sound card. im starting to suspect a dirty power supply because i went from a cheap chinese 2amp power supply to a slightly better one that was 1.5amp and it seemed to bring down the static a bit
12/27/2015 at 00:58 #112551ivanretrobit
Participanti have found this https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=20866 i will give it a try when i get home tonight and let you know my results
12/27/2015 at 03:29 #112554solman2
ParticipantI have bean trying to get RetroPie to load on my LCD but i cant get it to load. All i have gotern is the backlight. the screen dose work if i use the supplied image. i have a WaveShare 3.2″ LCD at 320×240 I have tried countless Methods. can someone help me?
12/27/2015 at 03:46 #112558srfrboybob
ParticipantI have tried a lot of these methods but when I work on the ground wires it truly helped. I used a power boost 1000 c I think from adafruit and thier battery. I will have to try a few more things listed in this link you posted. I am using a USB audio I got from Amazon with a headphone jack I solder. It sounded clear before I plugged it into the USB sound card. The same issue happened with my pocket Pi grrl too. It all seemed to be contested to grounding issues and my potentiometer.
12/27/2015 at 03:59 #112562srfrboybob
ParticipantI am not familiar with the wavesshare screens. I did a search and found this link on github that might help https://github.com/notro/rpi-firmware/issues/6 You can try the links I posted above from adafruit to help with fbcp but past that I am really not sure. I spent 5+ hours trying to get my adafruit pitft 3.2 functioning. The adafruit screens trick the system to think it is still using the hdmi output.
12/27/2015 at 11:38 #112570solman2
ParticipantThank you looks like it could work
12/27/2015 at 15:45 #112575solman2
ParticipantI followed the instructions on the post but nothing. should i get a new screen?
12/27/2015 at 18:45 #112584srfrboybob
ParticipantI can’t really tell you that you have to buy another screen. There is a way out there to get it working but I am not versed enough in this issue to help with this brand. I highly recommend Adafruit products. They have a great community of support as well. I have had great results with their pitft screens. They also have access to the gpio pins (26 count) that are relocated.
01/11/2016 at 20:49 #113705cruelcynic
ParticipantDid you ever finish the base sd image? I started with the 3.5″ tft + a pi2 and I am now switching to the 3.2″ + Zero and it would be amazing to jump start that with the image.
01/12/2016 at 01:59 #113740ivanretrobit
Participanthi would you mind sharing how you got retrogame to work i have had no luck with it :/
01/12/2016 at 02:03 #113742srfrboybob
ParticipantI have not gotten the image created yet. I should be able to start working on it by the end of this week. I will be posting it in the near future.
01/12/2016 at 02:29 #113744srfrboybob
ParticipantRetrogame worked great for me. I followed the instructions on adafruit. https://learn.adafruit.com/retro-gaming-with-raspberry-pi/buttons
Then I used the pocket pigrrl software setup page for the four button setup after I followed the basic install of retrogame. I soldered my buttons to the same gpio pins as the pocket pigrrl. It was also important to not use gpio 24 and 25 if I remember correctly. If you use these pins the buttons just won’t respond. I would definitely read this adafruit guide and solder to the same gpio pins. https://learn.adafruit.com/pocket-pigrrl/software-1
01/17/2016 at 21:27 #114197srfrboybob
ParticipantI have completed an 3.2.1 image to upload and will be posting a link today or tomorrow morning. The image is almost the same as I first created but I did not setup the USB audio (simple) and resize the screen. I wanted to make the image more compatible for other non Pi zero builds. Also the Vulcan pinch settings were not working exactly the same. I have my first one using start and select but this image only seems to use start and b (keyboard keys: space, alt). It’s weird but it works.
01/17/2016 at 21:30 #114198srfrboybob
ParticipantAlso be aware I left the over clock setting at high not turbo like I use.
*no bios or games were added. That is up to you and please respect the rules of the forum provided by petrockblock
01/18/2016 at 01:01 #114221srfrboybob
ParticipantHere is the image. I hope it works and let me know if you improve it.
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