Homepage Forums RetroPie Project Everything else related to the RetroPie Project Fresh install getting horiz lines

  • This topic has 5 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by Roo.
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  • #86630

    Just done a fresh install on my Pi Model B 512 and when using ATARI 2600 i get horizontal lines in the graphics.

    I also see them on the supplied games like doom and duke

    But it works fine with NES and SNES games so it can’t be a dying Pi… could it.

    I have applied all the updates.

    Any ideas


    Opps I mean vertical lines


    Has anyone seen this, so far only in VCS emulation..

    How do I fix it.


    how did you install RetroPie? I would recommend you try the SD card image v2.4.2 beta and see if it still happens


    Using the standard 2.3, going to try the 2.4.2 beta tonight see what happens.

    All I have done downloaded the image, Format card, restore image to card, SSH in added some 2600 ROMS that are working in other emulators, config joypad.

    Nintendo ROMS work fine, I also see the lines on the supplied PC games, Doom etc.

    I’m running the older Model B with 512


    I don’t have an immediate answer for you, all I can do is help troubleshoot it down to where the problem is :)

    How are you getting video from the Pi? HDMI or composite? It looks too sharp to be composite, so I assume HDMI. Do you have any adapters or is it going straight to an HDMI display? Can you try a different display?

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