UPDATE 2: Added the Area Box to help with the Box Art and Game List area numbers. Note: Box works from top-left to bottom-right, only. Added option to show measurement at bottom even when menu is closed. Enter will now work as pressing “OK.” Cleaned the UI some.
UPDATE: Ability to zoom in and out, and cross hair is inverted.
Here’s the Theme Helper app I made. This will show you the 0.0 to 1.0 coordinates needed to place images inside an ES theme. Exactly. (Up to the third decimal, anyway)

The dialog for image location is absolute-path… so you have to type “C:\users\whoeveryourare\Pictures\Image.png” or wherever your image is. Writing a full dialog to browse your file system is beyond what I’d like to do.
Try to use an image smaller than your screen resolution. Don’t try to load a 1080p image if your desktop is 1080p. The image will be halved. (Still totally usable)
If any virus software throws a fit, it’s just an unsigned executable. Made with Construct Classic. http://www.scirra.com/construct-classic
Suggestions for changes will be considered… since I’m a little lazy :D