I’m new on RetroPie and I follow a blog with instructions to set up my system.
I’ve a problem when I try to start a NES, Gameboy or SNES game.
I thinks the problem occur with all games that are started with Retroarch.
I’ve this error:
/home/pi/RetroPie/supplementary/runcommand/runcommand.sh: line 13: retroarch: command not found
Powering on HDMI with prefered setting
The file is:
# starttype==1: set video mode to VGA ONLY IF tvservice is in HDMI mode, and run command
# starttype==2: keep existing video mode and run command
# starttype==3: set video mode to VGA and run command
if [[ $starttype -eq 1 && ! -z <code>tvservice --status | egrep -w "HDMI|DVI"</code> ]] || [[ $starttype -eq 3 ]]; then
tvservice -e « CEA 1″
fbset -depth 8 && fbset -depth 16
eval $@
tvservice -p
fbset -depth 8 && fbset -depth 16
elif [[ $starttype -eq 2 ]]; then
eval $@
eval $@
The only files that I modify are:
~/.emulationstation/es_systems.cfg – http://partage.gauss-it.net/raspberrypi/retropie/es_systems.cfg
~/.emulationstation/rm es_input.cfg – http://partage.gauss-it.net/raspberrypi/retropie/es_input.cfg
~/RetroPie/configs/all/rm retroarch.cfg – http://partage.gauss-it.net/raspberrypi/retropie/retroarch.cfg
~/RetroPie/configs/all/rm dgenrc – http://partage.gauss-it.net/raspberrypi/retropie/dgenrc
Please could you help me with that ?