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Homepage › Forums › RetroPie Project › Video Output on RetroPie › Emulationstation on GPIO instead of console
Tagged: Emulationstation, es, GPIO, screen, waveshare
Pi Model: RaspberryPi 2 model B
RetroPie Version Used: retropie-v3.3.1-rpi2 (Wheezy Standard)
Built From: SD Image
USB Devices connected: USB wireless keyboard, X360 wireless reciver
Controller used: X360 wireless controller
Error messages received: none
I have this [url]http://www.waveshare.com/4inch-rpi-lcd-a.htm[/url] screen, and I would like to play games on it with RetroPie.
I started with this tutorial: [url=https://learn.adafruit.com/running-opengl-based-games-and-emulators-on-adafruit-pitft-displays/pitft-setup]Running OpenGL-based Games & Emulators on Adafruit PiTFT Displays[/url]
But I don’t have adafruit screen, so I found this: [url=http://www.circuitbasics.com/setup-lcd-touchscreen-raspberry-pi/#content]How to Setup an LCD Touchscreen on the Raspberry Pi[/url],
I don’t have 3,5″ screen, so I used this: [url=https://raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/questions/27714/how-to-install-waveshare-spotpear-4-inch-lcd-in-raspberrypi-2]How to install Waveshare SpotPear 4 inch LCD in RaspberryPI 2?[/url]
At this point I can see console that shuld be under the emulationstation, but there is no emulationstation. I think ES is running somewhere, because when i press F4 I can see “Emulationstation will restart in 5 seconds, press any key to interrupt” (or something like this). After i hit spacebar (and interrupt ES restart), I see normal console on GPIO screen, I can write commands, everything looks fine. But when I type “es”, emulationstation start to work somewhere else (not on GPIO screen).
Of course my HDMI screen recognizes signal as 16kHz, so no screen can handle this, and it is not working. I guess maybe emulationstation is displayed by HDMI (which I cant check), and console is diplayed on GPIO. How can I change this?