Homepage Forums RetroPie Project Everything else related to the RetroPie Project EmulationStation disable menu options

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    I have a Raspberry Pi 2 B running RetroPie and it works perfectly. My emulators are all set right, my roms are all scraped, and my PS3 controllers are configured perfectly. My only issue is that allowing a friend or a child to use my system leaves me open to the possibility of them destroying my settings because they accidentally went into a menu and started changing things.

    I would really like to be able to have my system all set and then disable the menu options so they can’t be accessed by everyone all the time. In the EmulationStation menus I have to worry about:

    1. Edit This Game’s Metadata
    2. Scraper
    3. Sound Settings
    4. UI Settings
    5. Configure Input
    6. Press a key (or joypad button 0) to configure launch options for emulator/port ($emulator).

    If there was a way to disable these options no one would cause any accidental damage while playing.

    I also have a Kodi setup on a PC and it has a kiosk mode setting which locks the menu options for users. Would something like that be possible in EmulationStation?

    If anyone knows how to disable any of those settings manually please let me know. I don’t even need to remove them, just stop them from being functional.


    I’m pretty sure those options are hardcoded into EmulationStation. You could put in a request on ES’s GitHub, or if you feel equal to the job you could try and build your own version. Sorry I can’t be more help!


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