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- This topic has 14 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 11 years ago by
02/22/2014 at 15:20 #5066
ParticipantI’m trying to configure my joypad for gngeo but everytime I try to save the settings I get a script error
I can’t figure out how to configure my controller within the gngeorc so I hoped if I can just use the emulationstations joypad configure option without any succes :(
02/22/2014 at 20:28 #5088peanut
ParticipantAnyone have an idea? or an easy way to avoid the problem and get the usb controller to work?
02/22/2014 at 21:08 #5089peanut
ParticipantI’ve been pulling my hair out its driving me mad :P finally got gngeo to work and now I cant get my joypad to work. Ive been running into other people having the problem and not any solutions to it either.
Am I one of the few that has this problem with configurating GNGEO and DGEN?
or do other people here suffer from it aswellso far keyboard wise only escape works and the configure option F4 I hear people use doesnt work for me. Nothing happens :(
02/22/2014 at 21:50 #5090trimmtrabb
ParticipantHi, any particular reason your are using DGEN? Picodrive is the default Megadrive emulator in the latest RetroPie 1.9.1 image, it runs much better than DGEN and can be configured through Retroarch (/home/pi/RetroPie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg) You can also install it via the setup script but you will also need to update Emulation Station too or edit es_systems.cfg manually to point to Picodrive.
Regarding Gngeo I don’t use it myself but here is the gngeorc sample config:
https://github.com/ssilverm/PiMAME/blob/master/.gngeo/gngeorcIt is located at /home/pi/.gngeo/
The section you need to look at is at the bottom:
# some sample joystick configuration # Xbox360 # p1control A=J0B0,B=J0B1,C=J0B2,D=J0B3,START=J0B6,COIN=J0B10,UP=J0a1,DOWN=J0a1,LEFT=J0A0,RIGHT=J0A0,MENU=J0B7 # Dualshock2 # p1control A=J0B2,B=J0B1,C=J0B3,D=J0B0,START=J0B9,COIN=J0B8,UP=J0a1,DOWN=J0a1,LEFT=J0A0,RIGHT=J0A0 # Meaning of the code: # Kxxx : keyboad key number xxx # JxByy : Joystick number x Button # JxAyy : Joystick number x Axe yy (use a lowercase 'a' if you need to invert the axis) # JxHyy : Joystick number x Hat yy # # by the way, you can define a button multiple time, for example A=J0B0,A=K123,etc..
Any lines with # before it are commented out, you need to remove the # to enable the option.
Use jtest to determine the buttons on your pad:
sudo apt-get install joystick
then run:
jstest /dev/input/js0
Hope this helps
02/23/2014 at 01:21 #5113peanut
http://i.imgur.com/VqmReGr.jpgI’m confused… is it just me or are the keys messed up or missing?
02/23/2014 at 01:29 #5115peanut
Participantif I press left -32767 appears after 4
if I press right 32767 appears after 4if I press up -32767 appears after 5
if I press rdown 32767 appears after 5
6axes I sorta understand its basiclly up and down for the dpad and two thumbsticksbut how do I translate it to controls for the gngeo?
02/23/2014 at 03:51 #5118peanut
ParticipantLaunching a game from emulation station works really smooth… the game loads and seems to work perfectly… only the escape button works and arrowkeys and enter to exit the emulator
I tried editing the /home/pi/.gngeo/gngeorc file
I figured removing the hashtags for the keyboard settings just to see if the keyboard controls workAfter editing even a tinybit of the neogeorc file the emulator stops working
what causes it to mess up?# GNGEO Sample resource file libglpath /usr/lib/libGL.so # Where your rom (and bios) are? rompath /home/pi/RetroPie/RetroPie/emulators/gngeo-0.7/installdir/share/gngeo/romrc.d # and the driver file (copy it from the gngeo archive) ? romrc /usr/games/lib/xmame/romrc # Play in fullscreen? fullscreen true # Which blitter? 'gngeo --blitter help' for a list # soft # opengl # yuv blitter soft # Which effect? 'gngeo --effect help' for a list # none # scanline # scanline50 # scale2x # scale2x50 # scale2x75 # doublex # sai # supersai # eagle effect scale2x # Enable the raster interrupt? raster false # scale the output image scale 1 # Have interpolation? interpolation false # Have sound? sound true # Shown FPS showfps false # autoframeskip control autoframeskip true sleepidle false # enable joystick support ? joystick true # enable the 68k inline debuger? (disable the sound) debug false # Use hardware surface for the screen? hwsurface false # Convert all tile at loading time (insted on the fly) convtile true # Use PAL timing? (buggy) pal false # invert joystick order ? invertjoy false # Sample rate samplerate 22050 # country? # japan, usa, europe country europe # system type? arcade or home system arcade # NRX-style hotkey configuration # Up to 4 hotkeys per player can be defined ( # Only fire buttons (A-D) can be combined # A = 1, B = 2, C = 4, D = 8 # Samples: # Map CD to P1 hotkey 0 p1hotkey0 4,8 # Map BC to P1 hotkey 1 p1hotkey1 2,4 #Map ABC to P1 hotkey 2 p1hotkey2 1,2,4 #p1hotkey3 #p2hotkey0 #p2hotkey1 #p2hotkey2 #p2hotkey3 # Joystick configuration # Joystick mapping # 0 <-> /dev/js0, 1 <-> /dev/js1, etc.. p1joydev 0 p2joydev 1 # Buttons/Axes configuration # order : A,B,C,D,START,COIN,AXE_X,AXE_Y,AXE_X_DIR,AXE_Y_DIR # AXE_X_DIR and AXE_Y_DIR is use to invert an axe # ex: some joystick have the Y axe inverted (up <-> down). For them, # use -1 for AXE_Y_DIR will solve the problem. # hotkeys are optional (ie need not be mapped to buttons) # use -1 to "unmap" a hotkey. # Samples: # hotkey0 = button 3, hotkey1 = button 0, # p1joy 4,1,5,2,9,8,0,1,1,1,3,0 # No hotkeys # p1joy 4,1,5,2,9,8,0,1,1,1 p1joy 2,3,0,1,5,4,0,1,1,1 p2joy 1,0,3,2,7,6,0,1,1,1 # Key configuration # order : A,B,C,D,START,COIN,UP,DOWN,LEFT,RIGHT # please see SDL_keysym.h for key definition # or push F4 during game : the keysym code of # keys will be printed (also work for joysticks) # same thing as joypads for hotkeys # Azerty configuration: # p1: w,x,q,s,&,",up,down,left,right # p2: l,m,o,p,é,',NUM 8,NUM 5,NUM 4,NUM 6 #p1key 119,120,113,115,38,34,273,274,276,275 #p2key 108,109,111,112,233,39,264,261,260,262 # Qwerty configuration: # p1: z,x,a,s,1,3,up,down,left,right # p2: l,;,o,p,2,4,NUM 8,NUM 5,NUM 4,NUM 6 p1key 122,120,97,115,49,51,273,274,276,275 p2key 108,59,111,112,50,52,264,261,260,262
02/23/2014 at 04:27 #5120peanut
Participantemulation station launches roms with gngeo-pi0.85 (I checked emulationstation systems.cfg)
roms are located in: /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/neogeoThe neogeorc seems not to be connected to the above event. The weird part is when I try and eddit the rompath which seems different it makes lauching from emulation station not work at all anymore :|
what can I do next? My brain is frying :'(
any suggestions plz I feel like im running out of options (maybe an idea if someome can post their neogeorc file based on latest retroarch img i’d be happy)02/23/2014 at 12:35 #5126gizmo98
Participant…settings.xml was missing…
02/23/2014 at 13:31 #5130trimmtrabb
ParticipantThere is some info on gngeo here:
https://github.com/ymartel06/GnGeo-Pi/wikiNote: “Gngeo-Pi is compliant with roms set of mame 0.138”
Looks like you need to create a file ‘gngeorc’ in /home/pi/.gngeo/
Copy the contents of https://github.com/ssilverm/PiMAME/blob/master/.gngeo/gngeorcThen use jtest to determine the buttons on your gamepad. If you press one of the buttons you should see one of the buttons 0-11 change from off to on.
Then you need to edit gngeorc, this is the line you need to edit:
So pick which button you want to use for ‘A’ on your gamepad, run jtest and note the output when you press it, let’s say it’s recognised as button ‘1’ (will show as 1:on in jtest)
Then edit gngeorc accordingly:
Look at the samples for guidance:
# some sample joystick configuration # Xbox360 # p1control A=J0B0,B=J0B1,C=J0B2,D=J0B3,START=J0B6,COIN=J0B10,UP=J0a1,DOWN=J0a1,LEFT=J0A0,RIGHT=J0A0,MENU=J0B7 # Dualshock2 # p1control A=J0B2,B=J0B1,C=J0B3,D=J0B0,START=J0B9,COIN=J0B8,UP=J0a1,DOWN=J0a1,LEFT=J0A0,RIGHT=J0A0
Regarding the left/right/up/down controls it looks like you want to use axis 4 and 5 going by the output of jtest. So you would edit the controls like this:
p1control A=J0B1,B=,C=,D=,START=,COIN=,UP=J0a5,DOWN=J0a5,LEFT=J0A4,RIGHT=J0A4,MENU=
Use lower or uppercase ‘a’ to invert the axis
Then you need to edit gngeorc to point to the roms, bios and datafile. Edit this line:
# Where your rom are? rompath /home/pi/roms
change it to:
# Where your rom are? rompath /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/neogeo
then change
# Where did you put yout neogeo.zip bios file? biospath /home/pi/roms
# Where did you put yout neogeo.zip bios file? biospath /home/pi/RetroPie/emulators/gngeo-pi-0.85/neogeobios
*note* you need to create a neogeobios folder to put the bios in
Also change
# Where gngeo can find its datafile (font/skin/etc.) #datafile /usr/games/lib/gngeo/gngeo_data.zip datafile /usr/local/share/gngeo/gngeo_data.zip
# Where gngeo can find its datafile (font/skin/etc.) datafile /home/pi/RetroPie/emulators/gngeo-pi-0.85/installdir/share/gngeo/gngeo_data.zip
You also need to change to the rom type you are using:
# country? # japan, usa, europe country usa
So to sum up, put your roms in /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/neogeo
Put your bios in /home/pi/RetroPie/emulators/gngeo-pi-0.85/neogeobiosEdit your gngeorc as above and you should be good to go.
All of the above is assuming you are running the stock RetroPie image 1.9.1 and haven’t modified es-systems.cfg
02/23/2014 at 16:40 #5131gizmo98
ParticipantJoypad Configuration seems to be broken at the moment. Type…
# cp /home/pi/RetroPie-Setup/supplementary/settings.xml /home/pi/supplementary/supplementary/ES-config/
…and try Joypad Configuration again.
02/23/2014 at 17:31 #5134petrockblog
Keymaster@gizmo98, I have just confirmed your pull request at Github, which should fix that issue. Thanks for that!
02/23/2014 at 18:41 #5136gizmo98
The installation and settings.xml are fixed now. There is no script error if retroarch.cfg, dgenrc or gngeorc exists. But there is another problem. ES-Configs doesn’t change settings. It replaces the existing config files. My current retroarch.cfg and dgenrc only contain joypad settings ;-)02/23/2014 at 18:59 #5139petrockblog
Keymaster[quote=5136] @petrockblog
The installation and settings.xml are fixed now. There is no script error if retroarch.cfg, dgenrc or gngeorc exists. But there is another problem. ES-Configs doesn’t change settings. It replaces the existing config files. My current retroarch.cfg and dgenrc only contain joypad settings[/quote]
Hmm, it would be best if ES-config would replace existing key-value-pairs or add them when they do not exist. Unfortunately, I am not the author of ES-config. It is Aloshi (who is also developing EmulationStation). Maybe this could put on the issues list of ES-config and be solved there?02/25/2014 at 00:16 #5199peanut
ParticipantThnx I’ve got gngeo to work with the controller aswell: it ends up being really small screen but I added
effect scale2x which makes the screen twice as big and almost fullscreen
(wish there was a way to get proper fullscreen because fullscreen true doesnt seem to cut it)The joystick settings configuration I ran into something
I’ve posted this aswell in a different topic but I think it belongs here aswell:
# cp /home/pi/RetroPie-Setup/supplementary/settings.xml /home/pi/supplementary/supplementary/ES-config/
I’m not sure what is meant by that… where is the file located that needs to be edited?
I did some research: There seems to be a typo in two files
(im not sure if that is the thing gizmo98 pointed out)
First is located at:
/home/pi/RetroPie/supplementary/ES-config/settings.xml<changeConfigPath from="retroarch.cfg" to="/home/pi/RetroPie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg" /> <changeConfigPath from="dgen.cfg" to="/home/pi/RetroPie/configs/dgen/dgenrc" /> <changeConfigPath from="gngeo.rc" to="/homepi/.gngeo/gngeorc" />
as you can see there is a
missing between home and piThe same typo is is found in
/home/pi/RetroPie-Setup/supplementary/settings.xml<changeConfigPath from="retroarch.cfg" to="/home/pi/RetroPie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg" /> <changeConfigPath from="dgen.cfg" to="/home/pi/RetroPie/configs/dgen/dgenrc" /> <changeConfigPath from="gngeo.rc" to="/homepi/.gngeo/gngeorc" />
if both are changed you can fill in the Gngeo configuration
it overrides the file located in /home/pi/.gngeoBe carefull above configuration overrides the whole file leaving you with just the joysticksettings ;o
but the joystick settings are based on gngeo 0.7 version as the config settings joystick wise differ from the 0.85 version
(btw the es_systems seems to refer to neogeo
bios eventhough I made a folder neogeobios it works and not sure if I should change the emulationstation es_system.cfg -
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