Homepage Forums RetroPie Project New to RetroPie? Start Here! Emulation Station Creating .NES files

  • This topic has 7 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by xd3l.
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  • #114455

    So I’ve just finished my Play Choice Bartop arcade, and everything works great, however I’m running in to a slight issue. I’ve got all the NES ROMS I want loaded in to the NES ROM Folder. Say I got to play Mike Tysons Punch out, upon exiting the game, in the list of ROMS there will only be one Mike Tysons Punch Out listed. Once the machine is powered off and back on, there will be two Mike Tysons Punch Outs listed. I can navigate to the ROM folder via File Explorer \\:”ipaddress” and a file has been created with a “.NES” file extension. Can I prevent this from happening? thanks in advance for the help guys.


    is it zipped? retroarch unzips the file when you play it


    Thanks herfargus, the ROMS I have loaded in to the NES folder are Zipped. To prevent this duplication should I unzip each rom and delete the zipped files?


    Worked like a FREAKIN CHARM, Thanks again herbfargus. That never even occurred to me at all.


    Yeah but shouldnt the uncompressed file be deleted after usage? I ran into this problem a few times, but it doesnt seem to happen regularly. I am tight on space so I can’t unzip what I have zipped.

    It seemed to me the only ones that stayed unzipped were when the pi froze during gameplay and had to be unplugged.


    I also used to get this on an earlier version. What RetroPie version and what NES emulator do you use ?

    Mine is v3.2.1 and the default emulator ‘lr-fceumm’. This does NOT leave unzipped files.


    I too am running 3.2.1. The zipped files duplicating after they were unzipped never occurred to me at all


    Why does Retro unzip them? That’s annoying! :)

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