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  • #102113

    i try to add some old Dos-Games to DosBox. They run and everything is fine, but i want to have a better organisation in Emulationstation.

    Normally i have the gamefolder with subfolders, the Game.exe and maybe some exe-files more. So i have to navigate in Emulationstation through the folders.

    Is there anyway that i have only the name of the game in Emulationstation with an icon of the game, just like in all other consoles?
    So i don’t see all folders and subfolders.


    I have similar concerns so what I am thinking of doing is to create in the roms folders a pc-gamedata sub-folder where I would place the game data. In the pc folder, I would only include shell scripts. For example, to run Dangerous Dave, the script would be:

    /opt/retropie/emulators/dosbox/bin/dosbox -c "mount c /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/pc-gamedata" -c "c:" -c "cd DDAVE" -c "DAVE.EXE" -c "exit"

    DOSBox should be configured to run scripts from EmulationStation. If not, then update the RetroPie setup script and run the following command:

    sudo ./ dosbox configure

    I appreciate it’s a lot of work creating scripts, especially if you have a lot of games but it will give a neater appearance in ES.

    For more info, please check at my tutorial at link below:


    Alternatively, keep the game data where it is, in the pc folder. Edit es_systems.cfg so that the the <extension> tag for the pc entry reads:

    <extension>.sh .SH</extension>

    This way, only scripts will appear in ES. You may have to delete the gamelist.xml file in the pc folder for the effects to take place.


    Thank you, it worked !

    But there were 2 files in the folder /PC. and another file. I thought that i can delete this files.
    Now my Dosgames don’t start.

    Can somebody upload this 2 files for me please ? :(


    You need the +Start file. You can regenerate it by running the commands:

    cd RetroPie-Setup
    sudo ./ dosbox configure

    You will need to re-edit es_systems.cfg if that’s how you chose to do it.


    I have another question.

    I have an old orginal cd of “Die Siedler” and i try to install it to DosBox.

    I have copied the files of the CD to /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/PCtemp/siedler

    In DosBox i wrote:
    mount c /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/PCtemp/siedler

    I came to the install menue and try to install it to:

    But then i get an error, that he cant copy the files.

    So how can i fix this Problem? Do i have to use an image of the cd ?

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