Homepage Forums RetroPie Project Everything else related to the RetroPie Project Don't have keyboard or ethernet cord :(

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    I just got all my pi stuff in teh mail that I have been waiting about 2 weeks for, I was very excited when I got it set up and got retropie running on it for the first time. But then I looked up how to put roms on it and it seems that I need a keyboard and ethernet cord :(. Is there any alternate, can I just put my roms on the sd card? Thank you for your time.


    First, How are you typing XD. But anyways, so far I could not find an alternative. You need to access the files, but the problem is they are only accesable by certain programs. You could go to a close by thrift shop and get a decent keyboard for like 3 bucks and a very small ethernet cable online for like 1 dollar. Its worth it all the way. PS Have fun with your PI!


    I am currently on my laptop. and I just spent all my money on my pi so I dont have any money (im 13 and just used leftover christmas money). I might have an Ethernet cord at my moms house. Would I be able to put roms on my pi without a keyboard but with an ethernet cord?


    You can use the usb copy function of RetroPie to transfer roms, it’s enabled by default on the RetroPie image. See here for more details: https://github.com/retropie/RetroPie-Setup/wiki/How-to-get-ROMs-on-the-SD-card


    Might not help you with the roms but I use a ssh client app for my ipad sometimes when I don’t have the keyboard connected, doesn’t work for games that need keyboard input obviously but it works if you just want to do some basic Linux stuff like renaming files, changing xml files and run the ES scraper script etc.

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