Hey, I’ve had some trouble with dgen lately. I’m trying to play through “Shining Force,” but when I reload after shutting down, dgen doesn’t seem to recognize my save file. It’s there…under ~/.dgen/ram there’s a “Shining Force” file, but when I load the game it doesn’t seem to know it’s there.
I dug around dgenrc for a while to see if I could find something like retroarch’s autosave_interval feature, but couldn’t find anything.
Then I tried setting my spare keys to do savestates….
joy_save = 'joystick0-button0'
joy_load = 'joystick0-button4'
But dgen doesn’t seem to recognize them, either. It does, however, recognize my exit emulator feature, which I’ve had set up for some time in the exact same way (except with joystick0-button5)
Any ideas how I can save my game? I’d prefer in-game saves over save states, but would like to know how to get both working, if possible. Thanks.