Homepage Forums RetroPie Project Everything else related to the RetroPie Project changing the video mode for pifba

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    well i got the neogo and fba working but cant seem to crack the video mode I want. its really fuzzy so im looking to change the mode to a sharper one, ive been playing in the runcommand.sh file for pifba but cant seem to make a change IN THE GAME. I do have it now so when I launch form ES I see the text on the monitor is very sharp as before it was blurry unreadable just befor the rom would load, so I did change that, but the ingame play mode I just cant seem to find…. any help on this would be great

    thank in advance…


    I should clairify, im using pifba for the neogeo and fba , they work well but I cant find the file for the pifba config, I found several configs in the pifba folder but nothing I do seems to chnage the ingame video, I want the anti alising off but cant seems to find the exact place to edit… any help is greatly apreciated,


    Are you using the pifba binary or the retroarch core?

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