Homepage Forums RetroPie Project GPIO Adapter, ControlBlock etc. [Solved] CB not working when I overclock Pi2

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    When I overclock my Pi2 with the Pi2-setting in raspi-config ES wont accept input from my NES controllers. I checked /dev/input/ and both pads show up, but when I test them with jstest I get the following output:

    pi@retropie ~ $ jstest /dev/input/js2
    Driver version is 2.1.0.
    Joystick (ControlBlock SNES Gamepad) has 2 axes (X, Y)
    and 8 buttons (BtnX, BtnY, BtnTL, BtnTR, BtnTR2, BtnSelect, BtnThumbL, BtnThumbR).
    Testing ... (interrupt to exit)
    Axes:  0:-32767  1:-32767 Buttons:  0:on   1:on   2:on   3:on   4:on   5:on   6:on   7:on

    and there is no difference when I press the buttons. My other pads tests normal with jstest, e.g. default state for all buttons are off and only turn on when I press them. However, the power switch works like normal.

    Removing the overclock settings from /boot/config.txt restores the state of the NES controllers to normal. Any one else having this problem?


    I’ve done some experimenting with the values in config.txt.

    The default values for Rpi2 overclock is


    I tested by commenting out one by one, and the only setting that effects the CB is core_freq. At 500 there is no reaction from the controllers, at 275 it’s total mayhem (scrolling, clicking etc by it self), and at 265 it’s usable but doesn’t register all input, some double clicking etc. At 260 it seems stable with no ghosting, so now I’m running with these values:


    Any good explanation to why the core_freq has such an impact on the CB’s behavior?


    Interesting. I have tested the CB with Pi2-overlocking settings and I did not observe this behavior. Maybe this comes from different characteristics of power supplies and USB cables …

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