Homepage Forums RetroPie Project Everything else related to the RetroPie Project Boot issue (doesnt boot 50% of the times)

  • This topic has 5 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by Roo.
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  • #87056

    Been having this problem since the start.

    So 50% of the time my RBPi2 with RetroPie does not boot, if creates a bunch of errors, see photos below. After a while it stops and does not nothing, when I pull the powerplug and put it back in it usually boots up and I can use it.
    When I have used it and I reboot trough the Emustation software it stops working about 50% of the times as well. Pull plug once or twice and it boots correctly.


    RBPi2 with RetroPie buzz build from 6th of February (Compatibilty topic Page 4)
    16Gb microSD Transcend Class 10

    Here are some of the errors it produces.



    I would download the V2.5 from the downloads page and give that one a try.
    Im sure Buzz changed a couple of things since then.


    I would try another card. Also make sure you are not overclocking, and check psu/switch psu.


    So I tested with a different PSU and USB cable, (i use 220v to USB and then a cable) But the problem remains.

    I have also test to unplug my Logitech G110 keyboard that I was using, maybe that was drawing too much power. But problem remains.

    I havent touched any overclocking settings, so im assuming everything is on clock speeds?

    Tested the current microSD with HDTune for errors, no errors were found
    I just ordered another microSD, which should arrive tomorrow so I can test that further.

    I will now install the 2.5 beta instead of the image posted in the compatibility topic, see how that goes.
    *Update* Installed 2.5.0 beta, problem still exists.

    Guess i have to wait on the microSD card.


    Just tested with a new microSD, problem is still there.

    Im really out of ideas here.

    – Changed PSU
    – Changed Micro usb cable
    – Changed image,
    – Changed MicroSD card

    Could it be the device itself which is faulty?


    [quote=87107]So I tested with a different PSU and USB cable, (i use 220v to USB and then a cable) But the problem remains.[/quote]

    Not sure what you mean here. Have you actually tried a different wall wart completely? The part that actually converts AC wall voltage to 5VDC? If so, then I would try a different Pi next in the list of troubleshooting steps. If that’s not feasible, try a different display, but that is a long shot

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