Homepage Forums RetroPie Project Everything else related to the RetroPie Project Big problems to play in sega cd emulator

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  • #81583


    I try much time before this post…but not find solution :(

    Not exactly explanation what happened…only read this:

    RetroArch [ERROR] :: [libretro ERROR] :: Missing BIOS
    RetroArch [ERROR] :: Failed to load game.

    Try all possible solutions (also read other post), first add BIOS in:

    /home/pi/RetroPie/BIOS/segacd (not exist previous segacd folder, then add)

    I get recommended BIOS, both mentioned:

    Old Names Required for Bios
    Mega CD (EU): eu_mcd1_9210.bin
    Mega CD (JP): jp_mcd1_9112.bin
    Sega CD (USA): us_scd1_9210.bin

    New Names Required for Bios
    Mega CD (EU): bios_CD_E.bin
    Mega CD (JP): bios_CD_J.bin
    Sega CD (USA): bios_CD_U.bin

    To finish try force load bios in:


    system_directory = “~/RetroPie/roms/../
    change to
    system_directory = /home/pi/RetroPie/BIOS

    Also try games in different format and region, EUR, USA, .iso and .zip
    but continue fail…What should know to run this emulator?

    Thanks in advanced



    Correct folder BIOS is:

    (without creating folder emulator)

    And correct bios name to detect:

    Mega CD (EU): bios_CD_E.bin
    Mega CD (JP): bios_CD_J.bin
    Sega CD (USA): bios_CD_U.bin

    I hope that useful to others in future!

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