Homepage Forums RetroPie Project New to RetroPie? Start Here! Baldur's Gate Install? Grim Install?

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    I have done a fresh install of RetroPie on my Pi 3, this time using only a class 10 SD card. I installed Baldur’s gate (after 3 attempts), copied over the files, and it just works.

    I am going to try to duplicate this on my Pi 2 which also has a fresh install of RetroPie and see if I can get the same results, after which I am going to transfer the root partition to a USB stick and see what fruit that yields.


    Skip the intro movie in grim and you should be fine.


    Ya Grim plays if I skip the awesomely funny videos… :(

    If I let the video play, it dumps me back to emustaiton.


    As for the GemRB games… they are still buggy. They play but are buggy and can lock you up. Not sure if this is a universal GemRB problem yet or not. How are they running for everyone else? How deeply have you guys played?

    Also Grim exits to a black screen.

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