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  • #111608

    Just wondering is the Amiga emulator (UAE4ALL2) will go though any more development? I’m trying to fine tune the emulator for certain games and testing with some demos.

    I’m having trouble trying to get ‘Spaceballs -State of the Art’ running without slowdown.


    without slowdown on what set up ? Pi1 ? Pi2 ? uae4arm is getting more development currently. Have you overclocked also ? What settings are you using ?


    Sorry I should have supplied a bit more info. I’m using a Pi2 with an overclock of 1000MHz CPU and 450MHz Core.

    I’ve tried using both the A500 and A1200 presets and also tried changing up some other CPU/RAM settings.

    I checked the github for UEA4ALL2 and the last bit of development was March this year. It would be great to get USB joy pad (Buffalo Snes pad in my case) being able to control the GUI.

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