Hi guys,
I ‘ve been looking around the forum and really impressed with some of the builds that people are creating and been wanting to do something similar for the past 2 or so years but I’ve never had the courage to. Not looking at a full arcade cabinet but a portable 1 player stick that can hold the raspberry pi. Most of the plan builds I see don’t go into details on where to order parts from or are not novice friendly.
I was hoping somebody could point me in the direction of something simple that doesn’t require any soldering and that I can put together myself ordering parts from ebay or other sites that will ship to Australia. Ideally, I would like LED buttons if that won’t over complicate things and if there is a way to plug everything in the GPIOs instead of using a USB encoder.
I wouldn’t be able to create a case from scratch and some of the prices for pre-built kids are out of my price range and therefore planning to get somebody I know to build me something out of wood if I can get all the internals working first.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.