Hi, first of all sorry for my english, i’m from Spain…
I’m having a problem with the controls on this emulator, i use 2 wireless gamepads (same model) and works perfect and map buttons well…, but now, i have a mayflash joystic, i configure the buttons well too, but, what if i whant to use for player 1 mayday OR gamepad?, when i do it via “TAB” it gives to me j3… for example…to configurate “UP”:
UP: j3:UP OR j:+y
(for example, don’t remember exactrly). it would be gr8 to find the .cfg file to change it manually and put:
UP: j:UP OR j:+y
becouse if i start the pi with only the joystick it recognice it as player 1 (and mame did not work with that buttons)
any ideas??
and my second and last question… if i made a imput controls (for for this game), not the general, and i whant it to use the general, where can i find this exceptions?, i think in mame there is a .cfg file where add this exceptions for each game (have the general and the exceptions buttons) and i could delete all of these and have only the General.
Thanks a lot and again sorry for the idiom!