Homepage Forums RetroPie Project Controller Configuration in RetroPie 8bitdo NES30 Pro Dpad not working with CoolCV

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    There’s no mapping for input from inside the emulator.

    So binding the buttons in coolcv_mapping.txt is easy enough…

    But there’s no documentation for how the values for the dpad need to be entered and everything I’ve tried has failed. The analog sticks work (although not well) with no configuration steps needed but the d-pad does nothing.

    Has anybody had the same issue?


    It is in the experimental section for a reason.

    You can check out this thread: http://atariage.com/forums/topic/240800-coolcv-emulator-for-mac-os-x-linux-windows-and-raspberry/

    It’s supposed to give you the values when you press F7 but that’s currently not working on the Raspberry Pi version of CoolCV. One way you could get those values is possibly installing coolcv on your pc, figuring out the codes from there and then copying the values into your text mapping file on the pi. CoolCV is still in development so its a work in progress. it would progress more if the developer would release the source code but unforunately it is what it is for now and its on him to make it work.

    And I’m sure you’ve already checked the wiki?



    Yep, checked the wiki. You can see they keyboard values but no joypad values. Even though nanochess said it supports both, and it does but I just can’t figure out the values.

    It didn’t occur to me to use f7 on another platform to get the values though. I will do so and post back results.


    Dpad works, by default, if the gamepad is started in keyboard mode. Of, coutse this screws the pairings and retroarch controls up.

    Also, if started in joystick mode, when testing the inputs using f7 on the Windows (win7 x64) platform, the emulator does not recognize the input. It only sees the dpad in keyboard mode.

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