For those who do not know what i am talking about here is the page about what i am talking about.
My issue is after image 2.3 where it worked exactly as it says on the page i have since upgraded to 2.4 images and now 2.5 and the problem is the same.
When i upgraded to image 2.4 retro-pie refuses to see the rest of the axises and no matter what i only have 2 axies and no matter what port i plug into which 2 of the data lines are for snes ports and the other two are for nes ports it only will see axis 0 and 1 never 2 through 8.
Also it does not plot the axises accurtely as for instance you can press left hat and all you get as response is 0+ axis.
I believe this is a bug to how it handles usb but any suggestions and help would be welcome