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  • nemo93

    Hi Guys,

    after upgrading my Raspi to the latest firmware (from May 24th 2014), it turned out I couldn’t specify any specific resolution. Pi always booted using the highest resolution possible from my TV (actually a 1080p screen). It’s definitely ok to run Emulation Station to that resolution but it’s a nightmare for the Pi to run emulators at such resolution (major slow downs).

    I wanted to stick to the VGA resolution as recommended by petrockblog in the Advanced Configuration Wiki.

    With new kernels you have to set a new parameter in the /boot/config.txt file to force Pi to use the resolution you like. Fire up your favorite editor:

    ~# sudo vi /boot/config.txt
    And add “hdmi_force_mode=1” somewhere, ie:

    # uncomment to force a specific HDMI mode (this will force VGA)
    # mandatory with the newest kernel

    Then simply reboot and voila!
    ~# sudo reboot



    # uncomment if you get no picture on HDMI for a default “safe” mode

    # uncomment this if your display has a black border of unused pixels visible
    # and your display can output without overscan

    # uncomment the following to adjust overscan. Use positive numbers if console
    # goes off screen, and negative if there is too much border

    # uncomment to force a console size. By default it will be display’s size minus
    # overscan.

    # uncomment if hdmi display is not detected and composite is being output

    # uncomment to force a specific HDMI mode (this will force VGA)

    # uncomment to force a HDMI mode rather than DVI. This can make audio work in
    # DMT (computer monitor) modes

    # uncomment to increase signal to HDMI, if you have interference, blanking, or
    # no display

    # uncomment for composite PAL

    #uncomment to overclock the arm. 700 MHz is the default.

    # for more options see http://elinux.org/RPi_config.txt


    i am making a portable computer/gaming console.
    for this i use raspbian and retropie + this tft touch screen (http://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=93&t=65566)

    raspbian works fine, but the emulator got some problems.
    When i start the emulator i get a black screen, so i connect the hdmi and see wath happens, emulationstation just starts up and the games workon the screen ( not the tft). But if i start the game duke nukem it starts on the tft screen (wath i want to happen with all the games and the emulator). I contacted the creator of the screen and he is looking for an answer for it and suggested to contact you guys.
    He said a possible solutian is to make an fbcp (background app) that forces retropie to work on fb1. But since i don’t have any idea how to make that i ask if anyone ells knows how to do this or any other solution.




    Hey Razor,

    Thanks for the info. I looked in the /boot/config.txt file but i didn’t see anything about rotation. It saw several things in it about overscan and HDMI options but no rotation. Was I looking in the wrong place?

    I also changed the retorarch.cfg file. I un commented the force rotation options, but no change. Im sure I’m just missing something. I would think that for software designed to play arcade games that this would be a big deal. Because even on the upright cabs I’m sure you would want a vert screen.

    Anyway thanks again for your help, hope I can get this figured out. Everything else is working great, just need this last thing.


    Is there any way to force 720p resolution on a 1080p tv?

    I often switch between a 720p tv and a 1080p tv, and the themes I’m using only look good on one of them. So I was wondering if this is possible.



    In reply to: No sound in Vice


    Ok, here’s what I found out the last few days:

    It seems that some HDTV’s have trouble playing sound over HDMI. The most common solution to this problem is to uncomment the line
    in your config.txt. This forces your tv to hdmi mode (instead of dvi) so that sound will be send over hdmi. That solves most of the problems. See http://elinux.org/RPiconfig for more details of all the config.txt options.

    It did not in my case unfortunately so I had to dig deeper. It seems that some tv’s have difficulty with playing mono sounds over hdmi. My tv plays stereo over hdmi just fine but refuses to play mono sounds. See this page for some more information: http://elinux.org/R-Pi_Troubleshooting#Sound. I tried uncommenting the lines:
    of my config.txt (read this suggestion somewhere). This forces your tv to 720p and CEA mode. Still no sound.

    Read somewhere else that in some cases adding the line
    might also do the trick. This forces all sounds over hdmi. No luck.

    I then started thinking that maybe Vice supports sound output in stereo in some way. I started browsing through the docs and found that this option indeed exists! But only in the v2.4 and Retropie currently support v2.3.

    I then found this post that explains how to install binaries of v2.4 on your pi: http://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?p=505178. I installed the binaries and the option to play sound only in stereo works perfectly!

    Case closed for me :-) Hope I can help some others with this explanation.

    : Can you edit your script to facilitate Vice v2.4? Here is a link to build from sources: http://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?p=504655


    In my opinion raspbian detects hdmi or sdtv if hdmi_force_hotplug=0 is set. runcommand.sh checks with tvservice --status if sdtv or hdmi is set.


    runcommand.sh does something like this:
    starttype/parameter 1 – if hdmi change resolution to CAE 1 (VGA), otherwise (SDTV) do nothing.

    It is possible to add other CAE modes/resolutions. You can get a list of all supported modes withtvservice -m CAE.


    Not sure if I am understanding your question entirely , but here is what I am doing to switch between my 32inch HDMI tv at home and my crappy 19inch composite tv at work.

    In /boot/config.txt find the section below and comment all 3 lines –> HDMI … uncomment all 3 –> Composite

    # uncomment to force a specific HDMI mode (this will force VGA)


    Yes, RetroPie/ ofc. I am always mixing up Pie/Arch, also when writing my configs.
    The black borders are most likely from the overscan_scale=1.
    You can remove it again, reboot and see what happens.
    If there’s nothing cut off you’re good.
    If there are portions of the display cut off again, you can manually change them with:

    Just change the numbers until it fits.

    I run my Pie on various displays and multiple emulators so i set it to overscan_scale=1. Sometimes there are black borders, sometimes it fits nicely.

    I also have a runcommand.sh that allows 720p, not only VGA and 1080p, to have a compromise between speed/quality when using GLSL shaders for emulating old CRT/LCD/Phosphor displays.

    So it also depends on the resolution chosen.

    However your display looks like it is a 16:9.
    The image shown is 16:9 just cropped as well.
    If thats SNES it’s wrong. SNES should result in a 4:3 :(

    I had a similar problem when running in VGA mode, the aspect ratio never was constrained, it always changed to 16:9.

    edit your /home/pi/.emulationstation/es_system.cfg
    Find the SNES section.
    there is a COMMAND= section.
    there you should see .…./…/runcommand.sh 1 part
    The 1 means to use VGA mode.
    Change it to a 2. Then it’ll keep the HDMIs native resolution, or the one you forced in boot/config.txt

    Once I changed from VGA to 1080/720, constraining the aspect ratio to 4:3 worked.
    However, I have changed my /RetroPie/supplementary/command/runcommand.sh to be able to switch to 720p.

    If setting graphicsmode to “2” fails, or performance is too slow now due to the high resolution, report back, then I give you my runcommand.sh to switch to 720p. :)

    So the summary of this wall of text:
    1) You’re running VGA mode, somehow it’s streched to 16:9 and never constrained to 4:3
    2) Your display is either 1080p or 720p. Change the es_system.cfg so it runs with the bootup-resolution of emulationsstation.
    3) If its 1080p your pie might be too slow -> get my runcommand and force 720p, else all should work now properly.
    4) If the black borders are still there but your display is now nice 4:3, try removing the overscan_scale=1 and reboot to see what you got now :D



    Are you getting sound from any emulator? How is sound hooked up (via hdmi or separate audio cable)?

    For hdmi you could try putting this in your /boot/config.txt:


    I needed the second one if I turned the pi before the TV, because without it the Pi would think there was no way to output sound over hdmi and would default to the audio out jack.


    hey, try this:

    force stereo=yes

    This has something to do with HDMI not understanding mono sound. Also, I changed volume to 1, I believe.


    In reply to: Sound just gone


    the problem is probably in your raspi-config

    this happens to me and I have to force audio out the HDMI or headphone depending on the monitor/output

    the pi likes to forget what its doing so you have to force the output to config for a more stable experience


    I think this is also a problem in pifba if mono + hdmi output.

    However i dont know how to force pifba to use stereo


    I just found out that there is a problem with mame sound in some games, (ex: pang 3). I think this only occurs if you use hdmi sound.

    There is a fix for this: just enter mame.cfg and enable stereo (force_stereo=yes)

    For some reason mono and hdmi in some games produces no sound.


    add/edit these lines in your raspi-config.txt

    # Force composite with NTSC 4:3 video output

    mode: this forces NTSC

    aspect: This forces the output to be 4:3
    2 is 14:9 and 3 is 16:9

    ignore_hotplug: this forces composite mode even if it thinks (or actually does) see an HDMI connection


    Can emulationstation only be displayed on the standart video outputs of the RPi?

    Yes. I have no problems with using the composite video output. I have an old television I saved from a dumpster that I use composite video for. No issues.

    You may need to force the video output to composite, though since you see the boot screen, it shouldn’t, but maybe it is trying to send the output to HDMI after it loads.

    sudo raspi-config --> Advanced Settings --> force composite output


    I feel a bit stupid now because I thought I’d tried every combination of options in config.txt. Setting the framebuffer width and height seemed to solve the problem, I’m not sure why but I’m just happy it works!

    I came across a post somewhere where someone had the same problem with this exact monitor so if in case anyone else finds this post looking for the same thing I’ll post my config below.

    # uncomment if you get no picture on HDMI for a default "safe" mode
    # uncomment this if your display has a black border of unused pixels visible
    # and your display can output without overscan
    # uncomment the following to adjust overscan. Use positive numbers if console
    # goes off screen, and negative if there is too much border
    # uncomment to force a console size. By default it will be display's size minus
    # overscan.
    # uncomment if hdmi display is not detected and composite is being output
    # uncomment to force a specific HDMI mode (this will force VGA)
    # uncomment to force a HDMI mode rather than DVI. This can make audio work in
    # DMT (computer monitor) modes
    # uncomment to increase signal to HDMI, if you have interference, blanking, or
    # no display
    # uncomment for composite PAL
    #uncomment to overclock the arm. 700 MHz is the default.
    # for more options see http://elinux.org/RPi_config.txt

    Hi guys, first I’d like to say thanks for such a great bit of software, I’ve had great fun reliving my wasted youth :)

    I’m having some real problems getting a signal to my VGA monitor and hoped someone might be able to point me in the right direction. I’ve looked all over and can’t find anything that helps.

    It’s an oldish Acer AL1715 connected to the RPi via an HDMI to VGA converter. I’ve edited /boot/config.txt to force HDMI output and changed a couple of other settings and I get a perfectly good signal to the monitor while Raspbian boots up. I also get the RetroPie splash screen but then it’s followed by a blank screen.

    I can still Telnet and FTP into the Pi and I get a signal right up until the splash screen so I know it isn’t the monitor or converter cable. I figure that emulationstation/Retroarch is changing some display settings when booting and this is possibly the cause of the problem but I’m a Linux novice and can’t figure it out myself.

    Any help would be really appreciated, I’d hate to see a perfectly good monitor go to waste and I’m itching to get started on a retro gaming table!


    I was able to set my runcommand to 2 and force 720p. That way I get widescreen emulation station, but a 4:3 pillar boxed for NES.

    Might be happening based on the way my reciever sees the signal though.

    Performance seemed great on the NES, haven’t tried SNES yet.



    Are you powering the PI with USB from the TV? If yes, force HDMI output. When the TV powers the PI, and the HDMI from TV its not ready, PI starts without it.


    Grr, I’m having no luck.

    My current config.txt

    # uncomment if you get no picture on HDMI for a default “safe” mode

    # uncomment this if your display has a black border of unused pixels visible
    # and your display can output without overscan

    # uncomment the following to adjust overscan. Use positive numbers if console
    # goes off screen, and negative if there is too much border

    # uncomment to force a console size. By default it will be display’s size minus
    # overscan.

    # uncomment if hdmi display is not detected and composite is being output

    # uncomment to force a specific HDMI mode (this will force VGA)

    # uncomment to force a HDMI mode rather than DVI. This can make audio work in
    # DMT (computer monitor) modes

    # uncomment to increase signal to HDMI, if you have interference, blanking, or
    # no display

    # uncomment for composite PAL

    #uncomment to overclock the arm. 700 MHz is the default.

    # for more options see http://elinux.org/RPi_config.txt

    And my current audio settings on retroarch.cfg

    # Enable audio.
    audio_enable = true

    # Audio output samplerate.
    audio_out_rate = 44100

    # Audio driver backend. Depending on configuration possible candidates are: alsa, pulse, oss, jack, rsound, roar, openal, sdl, xaudio.
    #audio_driver = sdl

    # Will sync (block) on audio. Recommended.
    #audio_sync = true

    Any ideas? I’ve tried flipping just about every option.


    Hi all:

    I have been tinkering with the retroarch.cfg file to try to get my TV (using HDMI) to display video for my roms with no success.

    DukeNukem displays fine, and I can launch roms, but my screen then goes blank (TV resets to default input screen when there is no input) and I can hear the main menu music. I can’t figure out what I need to do to get my games to display correctly. I’ve tried specifying aspect ratio, forcing different screen settings, and also just commenting everything out in retroarch.cfg.

    What am I doing wrong? I figured the video display would work out of the box. Current video setup looks like this:

    # Video driver to use. “gl”, “xvideo”, “sdl”
    # video_driver = “gl”

    # Which OpenGL context implementation to use.
    # Possible ones for desktop are: glx, x-egl, kms-egl, sdl-gl, wgl.
    # By default, tries to use first suitable driver.
    # video_gl_context =

    # Windowed xscale and yscale
    # (Real x res: base_size * xscale * aspect_ratio, real y res: base_size * yscale)
    # video_xscale = 3.0
    # video_yscale = 3.0

    # Fullscreen resolution. Resolution of 0 uses the resolution of the desktop.
    #video_fullscreen_x = 1366
    #video_fullscreen_y = 768

    # Start in fullscreen. Can be changed at runtime.
    # video_fullscreen = true

    # If fullscreen, prefer using a windowed fullscreen mode.
    # video_windowed_fullscreen = true

    # Which monitor to prefer. 0 (default) means no particular monitor is preferred, 1 and up (1 being first monitor),
    # suggests RetroArch to use that particular monitor.
    # video_monitor_index = 0

    # Forcibly disable composition. Only works in Windows Vista/7 for now.
    # video_disable_composition = false

    # Video vsync.
    # video_vsync = true

    # Attempts to hard-synchronize CPU and GPU. Can reduce latency at cost of performance.
    # video_hard_sync = false

    # Sets how many frames CPU can run ahead of GPU when using video_hard_sync.
    # Maximum is 3.
    # video_hard_sync_frames = 0

    # Inserts a black frame inbetween frames.
    # Useful for 120 Hz monitors who want to play 60 Hz material with eliminated ghosting.
    # video_refresh_rate should still be configured as if it is a 60 Hz monitor (divide refresh rate by 2).
    # video_black_frame_insertion = false

    # Use threaded video driver. Using this might improve performance at possible cost of latency and more video stuttering.
    # video_threaded = false

    # Smoothens picture with bilinear filtering. Should be disabled if using pixel shaders.
    video_smooth = false

    # Forces rendering area to stay equal to game aspect ratio or as defined in video_aspect_ratio.
    # video_force_aspect = true

    # Only scales video in integer steps.
    # The base size depends on system-reported geometry and aspect ratio.
    # If video_force_aspect is not set, X/Y will be integer scaled independently.
    # video_scale_integer = false

    # A floating point value for video aspect ratio (width / height).
    # If this is not set, aspect ratio is assumed to be automatic.
    # Behavior then is defined by video_aspect_ratio_auto.
    #video_aspect_ratio = 1.75

    # If this is true and video_aspect_ratio is not set,
    # aspect ratio is decided by libretro implementation.
    # If this is false, 1:1 PAR will always be assumed if video_aspect_ratio is not set.
    # video_aspect_ratio_auto = true

    # Forces cropping of overscanned frames.
    # Exact behavior of this option is implementation specific.
    # video_crop_overscan = true

    # Path to shader. Shader can be either Cg, CGP (Cg preset) or XML/GLSL format if support is enabled.
    # video_shader = “/path/to/shader.{cg,cgp,shader}”

    # Load video_shader on startup.
    # Other shaders can still be loaded later in runtime.
    # video_shader_enable = false

    # Defines a directory where shaders (Cg, CGP, XML) are kept for easy access.
    # video_shader_dir =

    # CPU-based filter. Path to a bSNES CPU filter (*.filter)
    # video_filter =

    # Path to a TTF font used for rendering messages. This path must be defined to enable fonts.
    # Do note that the _full_ path of the font is necessary!
    # video_font_path =

    # Size of the TTF font rendered.
    # video_font_size = 48

    # Attempt to scale the font to fit better for multiple window sizes.
    # video_font_scale = true

    # Enable usage of OSD messages.
    # video_font_enable = true

    # Offset for where messages will be placed on screen. Values are in range 0.0 to 1.0 for both x and y values.
    # [0.0, 0.0] maps to the lower left corner of the screen.
    # video_message_pos_x = 0.05
    # video_message_pos_y = 0.05

    # Color for message. The value is treated as a hexadecimal value.
    # It is a regular RGB hex number, i.e. red is “ff0000”.
    # video_message_color = ffffff

    # Video refresh rate of your monitor.
    # Used to calculate a suitable audio input rate.
    # video_refresh_rate = 59.95

    # Allows libretro cores to set rotation modes.
    # Setting this to false will honor, but ignore this request.
    # This is useful for vertically oriented games where one manually rotates the monitor.
    # video_allow_rotate = true

    # Forces a certain rotation of the screen.
    # The rotation is added to rotations which the libretro core sets (see video_allow_rotate).
    # The angle is <value> * 90 degrees counter-clockwise.
    # video_rotation = 0



    I wanted to know how can I force sound to go through Pi’s audio output since I’m using HDMI and the sound always comes out from the TV…

    Thank you!!



    First off: thanks for this script! It makes installing emulators on rpi much easier. I appreciate the effort involved in maintaining this script. I tip my hat to you sir!

    I noticed that I can get almost everything to work through HDMI, but when I connect my pi to a Tv using composite video out, most of the emulators only send output to the HDMI connector. Setting the “hdmi_ignore_hotplug=1” setting in config.txt to force composite out doesn’t work.

    I got most of this stuff to work through composite with the previous versions of the script, so something must have changed in the later versions.

    As I’m planning to use this rpi as an emulation box on an old TV through Composite video, I really need this stuff to work. How can I force retroarch (for example, as that’s the base emulator framework for most systems currently) to output to the composite?


    In reply to: Audio



    I had the same problem. Sound only over RCA with Video over Composite. But no sound over HDMI.

    The solution is to add a line in the config.txt which is located in /boot/config.txt

    I edit the file over another linux PC. There you’ll see two partitions when inserting the sd card. The small one includes the config.txt. Just open the config.txt with gedit or something like that and uncomment the following line:

    hdmi_drive = 2

    This option forces the HDMI mode. It’s necessary if some TV’s or monitors wants to use the DVI mode but there’s no sound over DVI. So when you force the HDMI mode it doesn’t matter which TV or monitor you use.

    It works great with sega megadrive, nes, snes emulators.

    But I’ve still a problem with gamegear and sega mastersystem roms. Both use the osmose emulator and with this there’s still no sound.

    Can anyone help me with the solution for the osmose emulator and HDMI sound??

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