
The layout is kind of funky in the player1 and player2 configs. I tried my best to keep things sane across emulators. However, it just wasn’t possible to keep everything standardized across emulators without having a ton of different config files. If anyone has a better idea for a layout than this let me know.

Interface    | Mapped to   | Atari 800/5200 |    Commodore   |
Right Analog | Arrow Keys  | Menu Nav       | Menu Nav        
Left Analog  | Mouse       | Movement       |                 
D-Pad        | Joystick    |                | Joystick port 2 
A Button     | Right Ctrl  |                | Fire            
B Button     | Num Pad 0   | Fire           | Fire            
X Button     | Enter       |                | Return          
Y Button     | Space       | Space          | Space           
L1 Button    | F4          | Start Game     |                 
R1 Button    | F7          |                |                 
L2 Button    | PAGEUP      |                |                 
R2 Button    | CAPSLOCK    |                | Start Game      
Start        | F1          | Menu           | Menu            
Back         | Esc         | Esc            | Esc