Homepage Forums RetroPie Project Controller Configuration in RetroPie xbox 360 wireless controller works in UI but not in any emulator Reply To: xbox 360 wireless controller works in UI but not in any emulator


I have a lot more things in mine that won’t be relevant to you, such as a mount command for a usb hard drive, but here’s what it should look like. This is what mine would look like with all the extra crap taken out.:

#!/bin/sh -e

_IP=$(hostname -I) || true
if [ "$_IP" ]; then
  printf "My IP address is %s\n" "$_IP"

sudo chmod +x /dev/uinput

"/opt/retropie/supplementary/xboxdrv/bin/xboxdrv" --daemon --detach --wid 0 --led 2 --deadzone 4000 --silent --trigger-as-button --next-controller --wid 1 --led 3 --deadzone 4000 --silent --trigger-as-button --dbus disabled --detach-kernel-driver

exit 0

Just FYI, based on the controller light alone, I don’t think we can rule out a power issue.