Homepage Forums RetroPie Project New to RetroPie? Start Here! Help compile RTL8192EU driver on retropie 3.3.1 Reply To: Help compile RTL8192EU driver on retropie 3.3.1


from this script here:

I’ve obtained the headers for 4.1.13 (linux-headers-4.1.13-v7+_4.1.13-v7+-2_armhf.deb).

dpkg -i linux-headers-4.1.13-v7+_4.1.13-v7+-2_armhf.deb

and it installed successfully.

Then I get compilation errors when I do:

sudo make ARCH=arm

I’ve attached the output.txt and the file that has warnings during compilation.

should I be modifying the os_intfs.c? please help.

Thank you.