Homepage Forums RetroPie Project Controller Configuration in RetroPie How can I change the P2 controller to Player 1? Reply To: How can I change the P2 controller to Player 1?


Ok seems I was just blind or stupid or whatever. ^^

I solved it by myself. I didn’t managed to find a way to change it for the whole system but at least I could change it for the Mupen64Plus.

All you have to do is to open the /opt/retropie/configs/n64/mupen64plus.cfg

There you have to search for “[Input-SDL-Control1]” and “[Input-SDL-Control2]”

First you have to switch the numbers of these both (make [Input-SDL-Control1] to [Input-SDL-Control2] and vice versa)

Inside of those you have to change the line:

# Controller configuration mode: 0=Fully Manual, 1=Auto with named SDL Device, 2=Fully automatic
mode = 2

You have to change the number from 2 to 1. Otherwise it wont save your changes.

This will just do the trick. You don’t have to change this line:

# Specifies which joystick is bound to this controller: -1=No joystick, 0 or more= SDL Joystick number
device = 1

It will work anyways. ;)

One last thing: If you want to exit the emulator, remember that your prefered Controller is J1 and not J0. So you have to enter something like this:

# Joystick event string for stopping the emulator
Joy Mapping Stop = "J1B10"

I hope I can help someone else with this. :)
