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Sorry for the lack of replies. Been busy with the triple boot. It has had my head absolutely done in trying to sort out transparency in Cairo-Dock using xcompmgr, but I have eventually figured it out and happy to say it is now running perfect on all systems!

I have calculated the minimum partition sizes for each OS too:

OpenELEC = 1.8GB – this awards enough space should you wish to install the ‘Beast Build’ (I have added the Spartan Wizard program so it is ready to install via 1 click, should you want to). I have also set up this build so you will be presented with the standard ‘Welcome Wizard’ within OpenELEC on first run, so you can set up some of your own preferences.

Raspbian = 6GB – this allows approx 1.5GB free space. Quite large but nothing I can do. I have installed the following to Raspbian:

So now all I have to do is compress all partitions down so they are ready for the NOOBS installer but this will take an age given how big the files are in this build, so I’ll leave it over night to do its thing as its too late now (again!!). This means I won’t be able to test it until tomorrow night when I’m home from work, but I’ll definitely aim to release tomorrow night, all being well.

I’ll reply to questions above tomorrow.

All the best.


Hi Smither,

Such great work. Not enough words to express how happy I am for it.
In terms of OpenELEC = 1.8GB, what about the 0-cache option where cache is stored on the card will the 1.8GB limit it?
As for me using a 32GB card will the 22GB automatically go to the retropie or will it be divided between all partitions?

And great great again. You are a BOSS.