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look in the ports section and you will find Goldenaxe Remake and Double Dragon Extreme – these are both Openbor mods and are both very good

Thanks Smithers. Am i the only one that thinks that “Goldenaxe Curse of Death Adder” should be implemented in your “new” build? Is it possible? It is much much better than the classical golden axe !! (even better from the golden axe remake-openbor) :)

Looking forward to it!


Well its funny you should say that as it was actually me who made the ‘Goldenaxe – Curse of Death Adder’ mod! I released 3 demos of it but never could give enough time to finish it off so abandoned it, unfortunately. Somebody else picked up where I left off but they ruined it and it lost the feel and look that I was trying to achieve (they even removed the Conan the Barbarian theme music I put on!!). A few people have borrowed from it for their own goldenaxe mods too I noticed, which is cool. I still have my original ‘final demo’ version, should you want it, but I didn’t include it in my build as it was unfinished. It is the version that you see in my video.