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Ideally it would be best to have a complete set

(its a pet peeve of mine when someone says hey I have a theme! And then it has like 5 systems on it…)

But there’s no time constraints on it so whatever you’re comfortable with doing. All submissions are appreciated. I think the logo like you did on amstrad should suffice for the rest of the systems unless you’re really invested in 3d modelling stuff. (I figure as long as you’re consistent it should look fine) I’m not that great with Photoshop or illustrator but I can do the xml editing.

If you wanted I could set up a github repo and then I could add your submissions or I could add you as a collaborator and you can submit them there- then once it’s completed we can just clone it as its own repo in the retropie organisation and add it to the setup script so people can install it from the setup script.