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OK so I’ve had a number of people asking for a RetroPie / Rasplex dual boot image and I think I may have figured out how to do it. I was struggling for ages trying to get my script to run but then I realised that Rasplex wants Python scripts, not bash scripts! So a quick crash course on Python scripting and I have a very basic script that seems to work. 8-)

I know nothing about Rasplex, literally nothing, so could do with some advice on a couple of things by a more seasoned Rasplex user. OK so firstly, from what I gather, Rasplex is not about using internet streaming addons (like in KODI), rather it is for playing your own personal media from say, a NAS drive or the likes – correct? So this being the case, I’m guessing that there are no addons or extras that need installing and what you get ‘as-is’ in a fresh copy is all you need to get going – is that correct?

Now I have had to install a different skin to enable custom scripts (Aeon, of course!), and what I am left with is a very basic looking home screen with only the following options available:

Channel Directory
Games (links directly to my script)

I need someone to tell me if there is anything else I would need to add to make it ready for you to set up. I have not registered for a Plex account or set up my NAS drive (to keep it clean before I make a tarball of the install), so when I click on ‘Channel Directory’ nothing happens. Can someone advise what is meant to happen?

I don’t know, I was kind of expecting to see the normal ‘TV Shows’, ‘Movies’, ‘Music’ etc. but its just not there so looks very basic and Im not sure if it just magically springs to life once you connect your account and NAS drive up.

Anyway, like I say I have my script working so I can offer this as a dual boot option now, I just want to make sure it is ready to be released in its current state or whether I need to do some more work on it.

Any Plex experts out there reading this? :?: